Sunday, April 13, 2014

Health Score - April 2014

Today was my second Health Score of 2014.  My first one was on January 20th and I scored an 84.  Today my score went way down....back to a 68.  The main issues were my blood pressure (139/92) and glucose level (106).   I haven't been the best about taking my medications or my supplements in the last two months.  I would say my biggest source of disappoint is the fact that I clearly still need my medication.  I was hoping that my days of having to take prescribed medications were almost over.

There was some great news though.  My cholesterol continues to get better.  My TC (Total Cholesterol) /HDL ratio went from 3.09:1 to 2.83:1.   My Triglycerides went from 87 to 82.   My Triglycerides/HDL ratio went from 1.58:1 to 1.37:1.

My aerobic capacity went from 33.7 to 32.9.  My flexibility went from 16.5 to 19!   My lean body mass went from 149.48 to 150.65, which means I'm not losing lean body mass (aka that's a great thing).

My weight went up 8.8 pounds, but my body fat percent only increased by 0.1%.

So even though my overall score went down, there was still plenty of good news.

And this was my first Health Score done by Sarah.  My first two were done by Jillian and the others were done by Julie.

Sarah and I still think that doing D.tox is a good idea, so that is still on my agenda in the next few weeks.  I also want to do another Health Score after I do D.tox.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're focusing on the good of the healthscore, and not just focusing on the negatives.
    We can do it and change it! Remember its your 100 happy days challenge too!
