Thursday, April 10, 2014


I have totally forgot to mention this, but I am a new devotee of NatureBox.  If you don't know about NatureBox, it's a monthly healthy, natural snack kit.  There are three different kit sizes you can subscribe to (and change your kit at any time).  You get five snack choices a month or you can get whatever they choose for you.

I hadn't heard of NatureBox before I read a blog post from one of my favorite general lifestyle blogs Love Taza, The Rockstar Diaries and they offered a special 50% off coupon on your first NatureBox.  I used that code to purchase the largest kit, The Smart Snacker normally priced at $49.95.  The Smart Snacker gives you 4 bags of the 5 snacks you choose or have chosen for you for a total of 20 bags of snacks

I ordered the Pistachio Power Clusters, Cashew Power Clusters, Yogurt Dipped Pretzels, PB&J Granola, and Far East Rice Crackers.  I listed them in the order in which I like them.  I would order the first three again and suggest them to anyone.  The final two are just okay.

I had no idea how large the snacks would be, so I downgraded my text kit to a Happy Snacker ($29.95) which will give me 2 bags of each snack for a total of 10 bags of snacks.

I am so excited about NatureBox.  I love just grabbing a bag and taking it to work with me to snack on throughout the day.  A bag usually lasts me two work days unless I am sharing my snack with someone and gushing about how much I love this company.

I have already chosen my next five snacks for my May NatureBox.  I'll be sure to review them once I get them.

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