Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Training 2014 - Week 16

Training this week was Sunday (Easter) and Wednesday.

Sunday morning, the gym was fairly dead.  Not surprising since there wasn't very many group classes due to the holiday.  Also, there won't be any Spinning classes until the 28th because they are transitioning to the new studio.

Sunday was full body, but what Sarah actually meant by that was an upper body workout with some squats and lunges incorporated.  Sneaky!!!  It was a pretty rough workout.  We used 35 pounds during my squat thrusters, which was fine for the first set, but it was harder for the second and third sets.  That was the first exercise we did for the hour and I knew I was in for trouble.  As the workout  progressed, I thought to myself that there is no possible way anyone I know other than Sarah and the other trainers could handle this workout.  It was crazy tough.

Wednesday morning was also full body.  We did arms at the end.  My back was still sore yesterday from the rows we did on Sunday.

We did squats again and I set another PR of 260 pounds!  That's 40 pounds heavier than last week.  It was definitely a challenge.  I didn't get the full effect of the workout until I was walking up to my apartment and the handles broke on my grocery bag and I had to bend down to pick up my stuff.  Ouch!  That's going to hurt big time tomorrow and Friday, especially since tomorrow is my jumpboard class.

Next week I am training Sunday morning and Thursday morning.   Have a good week!

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