Thursday, April 24, 2014

Sasquatch Sighting

Sasquatch                                          Me on 5/23/2013

I always felt kind of bad that I never officially took a BEFORE picture.  

I was trying to text my friend Sharon on Tuesday and somehow this picture that she took of me last May 23rd popped up on our conversation thread.  This picture was taken 8 days after I started working out with Sarah.  

I totally look like Sasquatch!!!  Damn, I didn't realize how horrible I looked.  Look at my posture!!!!!  I just can't get over it, but I am also fascinated.  I can actually remember how tired, heavy, achy, and unhealthy I felt.  

I've had my ups and downs lately as I have plateaued and yo-yo'd over the last few weeks.   Sometimes I feel like I haven't made much progress and what's the point.  Then I see this old picture of when I started and realize I can't stop and go backwards.   

I still think that my arms are huge, then I look at this picture and see that they really aren't.   Ugh, my stomach and boob area are just gross in this picture.  My face is so much smaller now!  People always say that my face looks smaller and I kept thinking, "Damn, how big was my face?"  Now, I see how big it was.

I know everyone wants to see how I look now and I will post that in mid-May when my anniversary of working out occurs.  I just wanted to post my beginning picture that I just happened to find by accident.  I can assure you the difference is night and day.  Pilates has helped my posture tremendously and weight training has helped me lose weight and tone.  

I never want to look like Sasquatch again.


  1. Cassie and I couldn't help but crack up at this photo! But yes you have made tremendous progress and I couldn't be more proud of you! Cassie and I love having you as a client and everyone at Lifetime can see the changes you have made! Can't believe its going to be a year soon!

  2. I didn't realize how much you HAVE know I'm honest...I am truly inspired by you... sasquatch really??? :-D
    Like I said I'm inspired
