Monday, April 7, 2014

If It Was Easy.....

if it was easy, everybody would do it

I was stuck.  The scale needed to move.   I didn't mean for it to move up.  In the eight days between weigh-ins with Sarah, I have gained seven pounds.  SEVEN POUNDS!!!!!  And don't tell me it's all muscle, it's not.  Something is going on here.

While I am totally bummed to be heading in the wrong direction, I'm rolling with the punches.  It's hard at times, but I'll get through this setback, whatever it may be.

I know from my massage with Drea that I am not drinking enough water.  I've been drinking a lot more lately and peeing constantly.  I've been slacking on the supplements lately.  It's just slipped my mind to keep taking them.  I have to get back on them.

Sarah and I have decided that it's time for me to do another D.Tox.  She's doing my health score this coming Sunday, so we'll see what that shows.

I really think that the D.Tox will help and I'm actually excited to do it again.  I did it last June, so I'm approaching the one year mark.  It's time to press restart.  I'm going to start the D.Tox after the 18th, which is when I go to visit my mom and have a doctor's appointment.  I'm going through Pinterest and picking out recipes that I can make and alter to fit the D.Tox diet.

I'm really trying hard to stay positive about this weight gain.  I think I'm okay with it most of the time.  I'm doing everything I should be doing.  Diet is great, I'm working out properly.  I just keep thinking to myself that this is what happens and I will learn a lot from how I react to it.    Coincidentally, my sports bras are fitting loose around my rib area, my clothes still fit loose, and people are still noticing a change in my body.  It's just weird.

So, I've decided to do day-to-day D.Tox blogging when I do it.  I think it will be a very helpful tool for others doing D.Tox or thinking about it.

Let me post some memes that help me from getting down about whatever it is that's  going on.

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