Saturday, April 12, 2014

Zombie Week

This week started with being chained to my desk finishing up transcripts.  I enjoying just being able to relax when I wasn't at work or at the gym.  I found myself crashing on the couch most nights and then moving into my bedroom when I woke up.  It's funny how just sitting at a desk and typing could exhaust you so much.  Maybe that's why I was so easily exhausted when I was training with Sarah as I stated here.

I took Sunday,Thursday and Friday off as my rest days.

Monday and Wednesday were training days.

Tuesday I went back to my normally scheduled Pilates class.  It was good to be back with my regularly scheduled class.  This week was tough for me.  Then I realized I was on a different reformer than I usually use.  I couldn't get my butt that high during the short spinal stretch.  We did some exercise with the black tension bar and it was tough.  When we finished with that series, I was glad.  Super tough.  We finished our class with some arm work with light weights.  That was a total killer and I felt it for days.

Saturday I went to Ashtanga Vinyasa for the first time since taking two week off.  Ah, so glad to be back to my favorite yoga class and yoga in general.  I LOVE Rickita's classes!  I felt great although my low back was hurting a little bit today.  Nothing too painful, just achy.  Also, Rickita announced that the new yoga studio will be officially opened on Saturday, April 26th!  I will be out of town that day, but I will definitely get to a class the next day!

And that was my week.  Four workouts.  Not bad.  Definitely a challenging week for my body.   Just gotta keep plugging away!

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