Sunday, April 13, 2014

National Fitbit Challenge @ Lifetime Fitness

Today starts the four week national fitbit challenge at Lifetime Fitness.  Of course, I signed up just this morning.  This challenge really snuck up on me.  I almost wasn't going to do it, but I decided to since I haven't gotten 10,000 steps in a day since the last fitbit challenge ended at my club.

In my opinion, there is really no incentive to go for the individual club grand prize which is a Fitbit Zip, aka the first Fitbit product and the cheapest one.  I have the Fitbit One, which is better than the Zip.  Gee, Lifetime Fitness, way to inspire people to go above and beyond.  That's like offering a teenager a record player instead of an iPad.

So, I'm just going for the bare minimum of 10,000 steps a day to win $50 in LT bucks.  That's the most useful prize that's attainable.

One of the cool things is you can choose a trail to virtually walk.  There were several you could choose from, but I chose New York City.  I can log in and see where exactly I am walking in NYC.  Unfortunately, I can't find the challenge anywhere on Lifetime's difficult to navigate website.  I usually never say anything negative about Lifetime because I think they are the best chain gym on the planet; however, their Achilles Heel is their website and prizes.

UPDATE:  I have received a link for the Challenge!!!  I love that I can see where I am.  Currently I am in Staten Island!

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