Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Training 2014 - Week 14

This week was Recovery Week.  Recovery Week, my ass!!  It felt just as difficult as any other week....and more!!!

We worked out Monday morning and Wednesday late afternoon.  Monday was upper body and Wednesday was lower body.

I really think Sarah is sadistic.  Both days I thought to myself, "WTF, I thought this was recovery week."  I even said it out loud on Wednesday.  If this is recovery week, what the hell is she going to do to me next week?

While the workouts were tough, I wasn't crazy sore.   And I did everything I was told to do, so props to me.  I really wanted to give up during my kettle bell swings on Wednesday.  Good Lord, everything was hurting on me by the time we got to that exercise (which was the last of the day).   I never want to give up, I'm pretty tough when it comes to sucking it up and just doing it, but those kettle bell swings were evil.  My shoulders, my abs, my legs were all pooped.  But I finished them.  The last set wasn't the prettiest, but I did it.

Next week's training will be Monday afternoon and Wednesday morning.  This could get really interesting.......

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