Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Training 2014 - Week 15

I worked out on Monday and Wednesday this week.  It was back to business as usual after last week's recovery week.  Actually, this week ended up being PR week.

Monday was upper body.  It was my basic, tough upper body day.  I did set a new bench pressing PR which I blogged about here.  It was quite exciting to set a new PR.

Wednesday was legs.  Wow, talk about tough.  I actually forgot to take my UCAN before the workout but I still did really well and that's not why it was tough.  It would have classified as a tough workout either way.  I set two PRs on Wednesday.  220 pounds during my squatting on the super squat machine.  I'm not sure if it was one or two sets at that weight because Sarah increased the weight after one of the sets.

I also did a PR on the prowler push with 265 pounds.  I did the higher grip on the one way and the lower grip when I returned the prowler to the starting location.  I think I was slowest on my first round of the low grip.  I had never done the low grip before and I was a little unsure of being that low and pushing.  That was my last exercise for the hour.  I'm glad I still had some wind in my sails.

I was tired when we were done.  Tired.  Tired.  Tired.  I can't wait to get back at it on Sunday!!!

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