Sunday, June 8, 2014

The Mother Of All Cheat Days

Fridays are historically my cheat day.  I don't pack a lunch,  I dine out for dinner,  and I don't exercise.  It's my day to let loose, sort of and within some boundaries.  Mainly I just allow more gluten, carbs, and calories than a normal day.  It keeps me sane.

This past Friday was an epic saga of over-consumption and over-indulgence, and I love it!   It was an all-around blast.  One of those days you remember for years.

Friday was a gorgeous day in Detroit.  The sun was shining, it was just hot enough.  Perfection.

For lunch, I went out to lunch with my friends Sharon and Cynthia.  We walked to Greektown and ate at Pizza Papolis.  I ordered the pizza/salad lunch combo.  I chose the spinach pizza and the garden salad with ranch dressing.  I ate every single bite, I left nothing uneaten.  It was delicious!

Sharon and I at Pizza Papolis   June 6, 2014

I spent the afternoon at work because I was going to attend the evening's Detroit Tigers game with my friend Brittany and her cousin Tarra.  I haven't been to a Tigers game since the Tigers-Yankees playoff series in 2006.  So embarrassing considering I work across the street from the ballpark.  

Brittany and I met up just after 5.  The area around the ballpark was busy with game attendees and the Jehovah's Witness conference concluding next door at Ford Field.  It was crazy busy with car traffic and pedestrian traffic.

We started by heading to Bagger Dave's for dinner and a beer.  I ordered the Bacon BBQ Burger (AMAZING!!!!), Brittany ordered a chicken sandwich, and we both drank a Mount Pleasant Train Wreck (or as I like to call it The Brittany).  Then we went next door to The Well and we each had a Miller Lite.

By the time we finished our beers it was time to head back towards the ballpark and meet up with Tarra.  We stopped at Elwood's and had another beer.

Me and Brittany at Elwood's  June 6, 2014  Detroit, MI

Once we met up with Tarra, we went into the park.  We took the steps.....millions of steps up to our seats.   I was a little out of breath, but I was pretty happy to get up them.  A year ago, I would have probably suffered some chest pains.  Our first trip was to a lounge to get some complimentary CMU t-shirts.  I got a Large, and it fit!!!!!

Then it was time to go to our seats and watch the game!

Detroit Tigers v. Boston Red Sox  June 6, 2014  Comerica Park Detroit, MI

Seriously, how beautiful does Detroit look in this picture?  It was a gorgeous evening.  Super lucky.

The game was great.  The Tigers won.  During the game I had three more beers and split a daiquiri.  There were fireworks after the game and then I went home.

My previous blog entry was all about how I was pop and fast food free for a year.  On my way home, I stopped at White Castle, my favorite fast food place.  I ordered a two double cheeseburger and fries combo....with a bottled water.  I went home, sat on my couch, and loved every single bite of my White Castle.  It was happiness in a white and blue bag.  White Castle truly is the food of royalty.

Now, you might be asking why I am blogging about all this alcohol I drank and all the crappy food I had.  Because I am human and in the wise words of my dearest Jackie, "Sometimes you have to live a little."  I don't consider myself a drinker because I only have the occasional glass of wine, but sometimes you just have to have a wild night with your friends and it's okay.  This is real life.  You can indulge, you can go crazy.

I did do a lot of walking and step climbing during the day.  According to my Galaxy S5, I got over 10,000 steps for the day and that's only the times that I had my phone with me.    I laughed with the girls so much that my abs hurt.

One of the things I was happiest about was how roomy my seat at Comerica was.  I had no issue fitting into it.  I was comfy and I was excited about that.

I am writing this blog entry two days after the fact and I have gotten back on track with my eating and exercising.  I had my day of fun, booze, and junk food.  Now, it's back to business and that's really what it's all about.  I am at a place where one day doesn't derail the train and doesn't send me into a tailspin.  This is what doing this "the old-fashioned way" is all about.  You learn, you make mistakes, you have fun, YOU LIVE!

Back to the grind.

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