Sunday, June 1, 2014

One Week Post D.Tox

This has been the best week in my life because the rollercoaster of emotions, aches and pains, and sugar withdrawal was over.

I woke up on Sunday and drove like a bat out of Hell to my favorite Coney Island (Leo's on Eight Mile @ Farmington) for breakfast.  I ordered a ham and cheese omelet, with potatoes, and sliced tomatoes.  I washed it down with iced tea (unsweetened).  I only had a few bites of the potatoes (too dry), but I ate all of my tomatoes and a good chunk of the omelet until it became too hammy.

I didn't go too crazy with eating.  I did want to maintain and continue my weight loss.  I didn't want to completely negate my progress.

In terms of exercise, I worked out four days this week.  I worked out with Sarah on Monday and Wednesday and you can read about it here.  On Sunday, I took Martina's Hot Vinyasa Flow class and sweat buckets.  I was sweating from every single pore.  I think I lost 10 pounds in just sweat.  On Thursday, I took my beloved Jumpboard Pilates class and it was Cassie's first day back from her honeymoon.  Now that her wedding is over and she's back from her honeymoon maybe she can concentrate on me full time.

Martina complimented my skin and thought I had gotten a facial.  Cassie noticed that my chins were smaller.  Apparently the effects of D.Tox that I didn't notice was my amazingly smooth and clean skin.  I mean I did notice that I was looking cuter than usual, but I had no idea it was because of D.Tox!

On Saturday morning, I went and had Sarah do a post-D.Tox Health Score.  My previous health score from April was a 68.  It is now a 76.  It probably would have been higher, but my glucose reading was high (106).  It was the exact same as in April, but I had an alcoholic drink the night before and that is probably why it was high Saturday morning.  I'll take more about that a little later in this post.

Everything was great.  The numbers were pretty much the same as they were in April.  My body fat was slightly higher, and my lean body mass was a little lower.  So, Sarah and I have decided to add some BCAAs into my supplement list.  Bonus for me:  Sarah surprised me Sunday by buying me some of the Thorne BCAA, so I'll keep you posted on my progress with that.

So, more about my food intake this week.  I definitely am going to watch my carbs because I don't react well to carbs at all.  Everything was cool until Friday.  I went to Mexican Town to have lunch with my friend Brittany.  I got the two cheese enchilada lunch special that came with rice and beans.  I also had some chips and salsa before my enchiladas came out.  My body reacted fine.

Friday evening I was going to go show shopping with my girlfriends.  The time switched from 6 to 7 and I hadn't eaten since lunch.  I decided to go eat at Leo's (seriously, I love this place) and had a bacon cheeseburger with onions, and a side of fries.  YUMMY!  I didn't eat as much as I did before D.Tox.  Before D.Tox, I would have cleaned my plate.  This time, I ate 3/4 of the burger and only half of the fries.  

I drove straight to DSW to meet the girls and my pancreas was in pain from the carbs.  Wow, carbs and I have to set some limitations.

After much success in getting some new summer shoes, the girls and I headed to California Pizza Kitchen.  We each ordered the same alcoholic beverage.  What did it for us was that George Clooney's Casamigos Tequila was in this drink.  SOLD!!!  It was a fabulous drink and I will get it again when I go to CPK.

I ordered just a side salad with ranch dressing.  It was great and refreshing, and a pretty good choice.   My friend Maddie is gluten intolerant and so she ordered a gluten free Margherita pizza.  She couldn't finish it, so she gave me two pieces.  It was so yummy and hit the spot.  My tummy was fine obviously since there was no gluten.

Saturday, I went to a graduation/going away party and I grazed all day.  It was at my friend Jackie's home and so there were a lot of  healthy options.  Her kale salad is amazing.  I was there from noon to 7:30, so I ate lunch and dinner there/  The weather was perfect and so was the food.

So, my first week post-D.Tox was a success.  I did deviate from the script, but that's life.  Life is meant to be enjoyed.  You splurge and get over it.   We're all human.  That's why I am doing this uncut.

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