Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Week That Was

This past week was an okay week.  I took three rest days: Monday, Friday, and Saturday.  Friday I was crazy sore and I was away from home all day, and Saturday I was hung over.  Monday is usually a rest day.

Sunday and Wednesday were personal training days with Sarah and you can read about it here.

Tuesday and Thursday were Pilates days.  Pilates really kicked my ass this week.  I came home Tuesday after class, showered, and passed out while watching Extreme Weight Loss.  I did well in class with all of the poses and exercises, but holy crap I felt rough.  My judge heard me sighing on Wednesday morning and asked what was wrong and I said Pilates class.

Thursday was Jumpboard Pilates class and it went super fast (thank God!).  My quads were burning as usual, especially during the warm up.  Once we get to the timed exercises it's not so bad.  It was a packed class, so packed Cassie had to turn someone away.  Eastside Cassie came out.  I was scared. LOL

As I said earlier, I took Saturday off because I was hung over.  I had a wild and crazy Friday.  I had a busy social calendar this weekend with my buddy Sara graduating on Saturday from South Lyon High School.

My goal for the upcoming week is to squeeze in at least one yoga class.  I really miss yoga.  I need to sweat the toxins out and get my yoga on.

Have a great week!

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