Sunday, June 15, 2014

Training 2014 - Week 24

As usual, Sarah and I trained on Sunday morning and Wednesday evening.  Surprise, surprise.

Sunday morning,  I was super sore.  My low back and low abs were bothering me for absolutely no reason I could think of.  I had taken the previous two days off as rest days, so I have no clue what was going on.  Everything was a little sore.  My right knee, my left ankle.  You name it, it hurt.  I made Sarah aware so we proceeded with caution.  (None of my pains were very strong, just dull and very annoying).

Sunday was total body day and super-setting day.  This time we only super-set two exercises and there was no kettle bells swings or rowing machine.   My cardio was stair stepping, but this time it was with the step aerobics step and risers.  I think we used 5 steps on each side.

It wasn't all fun or exercises that I liked.  I did have to do walking lunges, which I hate.  But there were also exercises that I like, squat rows and chest press on the floor.

When I came home, I showered and then took a two hour nap.  Yeah, a two hour nap.

Wednesday was just awful.  My weight was up and my body fat percentage was up over two percent.  I don't understand why this is happening.  My diet is the same, I'm exercising.  D.tox was supposed to get me out of my plateau and it's not happening.  The scale has not been kind this year.  I'm up in weight and body fat percentage.  I see a change, but that's not enough.  I have to change something. 

Do I not continue with training?  Do I leave Lifetime for some place new?  What do I do about Pilates?  I'm going to take the next few days to think and reassess.  I'm not quitting, but I have to tweak things a little bit to get to my goal.

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