Friday, June 13, 2014

Training 2014 - Week 23

Training this week was on Sunday morning and Wednesday afternoon.

I was really in a panic about how Sunday's workout was going to go.  This was after all my first workout since my crazy Friday night.  Turns out, I did great.  Hmm, maybe I should get wasted every Friday?  Just kidding.

Both days were full body days.  Sunday was a traditional workout, Wednesday was a little different.

On Wednesday, we super-setted three exercises and then did another super-set of three exercises.  I really enjoyed it except that the third exercise of both groups of exercises was kettle bell swings.  I HATE kettle bell swings.  It didn't even matter that the kettle bell was super light, I essentially did 6 minutes of kettle bell swings.  My arms did hurt the last couple of times I  did the swings, but my abs hurt the entire time.  The only justification for continuing on is that one day my abs are going to show through and will look amazing.   I swear if Sarah would have told me ONE MORE TIME to go lower in my squats, I would have swung the kettle bell into her chin.  I seriously HATE kettle bell swings.

Kettle bells aka Devil bells

To add insult to injury, we ended this workout on the rowing machine, again.  It didn't suck as bad as the last time and actually didn't seem as long.  I still had a tough time getting my feet out of the pedals.  

Weight-wise, I was up a few pounds, but I I had eaten two meals and a protein shake before coming to the gym.  On the positive side, my body fat percentage went down about 1.3 percent.  I guess those BCAAs are working!

Next week I will be working out on Sunday morning anf Wednesday evening.  

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