Saturday, June 7, 2014

Training 2014 - Week 22

This was a heavy lifting week for sure.  I mean, every week is tough, but it was so tough this week I had to have weight taken off some of the machines.  Yeah, that never happens to me.

I worked out with Sarah on Sunday and Wednesday.  Both days were total body days.

Sunday start with step ups on the step up machine.  I hate that machine, I much prefer the step aerobics step ups.  But I do appreciate how much harder the machine is, I just don't have to love it.

Wednesday started with front squats, which I don't think we've ever done, at least the way we did them that day.  I only lifted the bar, which was 45 pounds, but it was still a challenge and the hand/arm placement was a little awkward.  I did get through 2.5 sets before I had to change it up because of the strain on my wrists.  Then we did deadlifts with 85 pounds.  I've done 85 pounds before, but maybe I was just too tired.  Who knows.  Again, I did 2.5 sets before Sarah took off 10 pounds and I finished that last half set.

Most disgusting of all was the rowing machine.  We've only used it twice, but it is still awful and brutal.  My quads were burning a little.  The worst thing about the rowing machine is getting out of it because your legs are jelly and you're trapped in the foot pedals.  I always take forever to get out of the foot pedals and that's a workout in itself.

It was a good week.  It was rough.  I was sore on Thursday and crazy sore on Friday.

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