Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Training 2014 - Week 21

I haven't done a specific training post in three weeks since I had been doing daily D.Tox posts and detailing my workouts there.  Now, that D.Tox is over, I'm back to my weekly training posts.

This week I worked out with Sarah on Monday morning and Wednesday afternoon.  Monday was upper body and Wednesday was legs.

I don't know what is going on, but lately my workouts have been kicking my butt.  Even though I'm not detoxing anymore, I feel like I'm a newbie or something.  Maybe Sarah is just really challenging me.  Either way, I'm exhausted in a good way.

I am beyond excited that the Icarian squat machine is fixed.  I missed it so much.  Gotta build that booty.  I hope they find out who broke it and they are banished for life.  Wait a minute, it was arm day.  Why were we doing squats?  Oh well, I do love squatting so who cares.

The biggest nightmare of the workout was the Prowler that I pushed at the end of the workout.  The weight added to the Prowler was 180 pounds, so including the Prowler it was around 255 pounds.  I finished the four laps Sarah wanted me to do, but I really hated pushing it by the lower handle.  I had a better time using the upright poles, so I did that for the last 2 laps.

Wednesday began with squat thrusters and walking lunges.  HATE those!  I do like the squat thrusters, but walking lunges are awful.  I think I did really good with them this week.  I've been taking my joint supplement, so the knees are holding up well.  We did a new TRX exercise today which took some getting used to because I felt a little awkward, but it was all good.  This workout actually few by.  Maybe it's because we were constantly chatting.  It felt like we hadn't seen in other in forever, but it was only two days.  I was just full of news and gossip.

A great accomplishment is that I set a new deadlifting PR:  85 pounds!  I'm actually deadlifting heavier than Sarah, but to her defense she has some shoulder issue or something.   I like deadlifting a lot.  I've really gotten good as isolating my abs because that's where I feel a bulk of the work.  I feel absolutely no pressure on my low back, which if you look at someone deadlift you might think that there would be some major back pain involved.  Proper form, people!

So, that was week 21.  Next week I am working out Sunday morning and Wednesday afternoon/evening.

1 comment:

  1. GREAT Job PR'ING on your deadlift! My issue is my tendinitis in my elbows will flare up if I lift too heavy which is why I don't dead lift more than 75 lbs.
