Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Training 2014 - Week 18

My training this week was Sunday morning and Wednesday evening.

It usually isn't a good thing when Sarah's first words to me are "You're going to be lifting heavy today."

I had another squatting PR...a total of 280 pounds.  Unfortunately someone broke the Icarian squat machine, so who knows when it'll be fixed and I can use it again.  I had another PR with shoulder presses.  I did 50 pounds!!!  I remember when just 3 sets of 8 pounds was a pain.

Wednesday's workout was in the evening/late afternoon.  I've got a new work schedule so I was definitely whipped after our session.  It probably also has something to do with Sarah beating the crap out of me.  I had some more PRs.  I benchpressed 75 pounds.  The last set was tough, but I did it.  I had another PR in the seated row or something.  I can't remember.  I was kind of brain dead.   The hour actually went by really quick.  Sarah added on some prowler work at the end.  Ugh, I hate the prowler.  And she made me do it FIVE TIMES!!!! FIVE TIMES!!!!

It was a very tough week.  Next week will be recovery week since I will be starting D.tox on Monday.  I will be working out with Sarah on Sunday and Thursday.  Thursday will mark my one year anniversary of returning to the gym and working out with Sarah.  YAY!!!!

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