Sunday, May 4, 2014

100th Blog Post!!!!!

100 posts!  Wow, I totally thought I would have run out of things to post about by now.  Here I am five months after I started this blog and still typing away.

This thread is about my workouts this week.  I feel like I had a fat week.  I only went to Lifetime four times, which would be good for most people, but it bums me out.

I trained with Sarah on Sunday and Thursday.  The post about those works is here.

Tuesday I went to Pilates and it was super tough.  I almost had a private class because Linda and Maureen didn't come, but then someone popped in and that was the end of my private.

Saturday I went to my first yoga class at the yoga studio.  I absolutely loved it.  I blogged my review of the new studio here.

Monday at work I fell and hurt my ankle.  I'm not sure if I rolled it or what, but it caused me some pain all week.  I have a 5k on May 10, so we'll see how that goes and if I am able to run.

Well, that was my week.  I hope you had a great one!

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