Saturday, May 17, 2014

D.Tox - Day 5

D.Tox Day 4 Weight Loss:  1.8 pounds
D.Tox Total Weight Loss:   7.0 pounds

I feel like celebrating!!!

Today was not only Day 5 of D.Tox, but marked the one year anniversary of my working with Sarah.   If you want to see my before and "after" picture, check out this thread.

My exercises today consisted of training with Sarah in the morning and Jumpboard Pilates in the evening.   My workout with Sarah was pretty tough even though it was recovery week.  I'm sure it had something to do with me being on D.tox and also the fact that our recovery weeks are not exactly easy peasy.  

Jumpboard was pretty tough on me, too.  Heather subbed for Cassie, who was having her rehearsal dinner.  My quads killed.  We started the class with 20 minutes of mat (ugh) and then did the rest with the jumpboard.  I left my reformer a sweaty mess.  I definitely D.tox'd on the reformer.

Food wise today was a recipe disaster.  I tried to make these BLT sandwiches for lunch and that was an epic fail.  It was bacon, lettuce and tomato with portabello mushrooms to act as bread.  Awful.  It was messy and not that good.  I ended up just eating the bacon.  Also, my apartment smelled like bacon.  Barf.  I think I now hate bacon.  

I went to Trader Joe's in the morning to buy more food, but I didn't feel like cooking.  I had my second shake pretty late like 5.  Pilates was at 6, so I just noshed on veggies after class and I was satisfied.

That's one thing I've got to say about D.Tox.  It keeps me full.

I keep rolling along.  Nine more days to go.

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