Thursday, May 15, 2014

One Year Anniversary

                                                     May 23, 2013                                    May 15, 2014

Today marks the one year anniversary since my first workout with Sarah.  Wow, an entire year.  We sure have been through a lot.  We started as trainer-client and I would definitely say that we are friends, too.  I have to text Sarah every day for something even just to check in.  

I remember that first workout and how I was unable to finish it because my blood sugar was going wonky.  I felt like such an asshole.  Sarah must have thought I was a mess.

But I've kept plugging away and made some huge strides.  I lost 50 pounds and then gained a little back and settled into a plateau, but maintaining my general body fat percentage more or less.   I am currently doing D.tox in an effort to get more control of my diet, press the restart button, and move forward with progress.  All the while maintaining a positive outlook about 90 percent of that time.

One year ago today, my knees ached, my blood pressure and blood glucose were under control.  Now, my knee pain is maintained, my blood pressure and blood glucose are lower and within normal levels.  My doctor is thrilled with my progress and hopes to get me off my meds soon.

I've tried my hands at Pilates, yoga, spinning, and running.  I love Pilates and have now increased to two classes a week.  I try to do yoga at least once a week.  I've taken a break from spinning because of an adrenal fatigue issue I had.  I don't run because I just don't like it.  I prefer to just do the first week of Couch to 5k over and over than distance training.  I prefer sprints.  

The weight is coming off slow and that's cool.  I'm learning how to take the every day challenges that come with working hard to achieve what you want.  I can splurge and that's fine.  I can plateau and not let it get the best of me.  I can learn what my body likes and dislikes.  My body hates carbs big time.

I've been off pop and fast food since early June 2013!  I've never been off pop this long ever!!  I've even stopped biting my fingernails.

I've even gotten comfortable showing my pictures.  That is huge for me because I haven't had Sarah show me any of the progress pictures we've taken throughout the year.  I think I'm really turning a corner.

I'm really excited to see where I'll be a year from now.  I'm reflecting on the last year today, but tomorrow starts the work on Year 2.

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