Friday, May 2, 2014

Doctor's Appointment - Spring 2014

This morning I went to see my Physician's Assistant for our annual check up.  I last saw him in June of 2013.  I am officially 31 pounds down from that appointment.  My BP was 120/82 (not bad at all).

I was so proud of myself because he was proud of me and all the changes I have made.  He was really happy with all of my results.  My fasting glucose in October 2012 (7 months before I started working out/ eating right) was 131.  Now it is 85!!

He mentioned possibly needing surgery on loose skin, but I told him that Sarah and I were working really hard to avoid that and I am losing the weight at a safe rate.  He is excited to see where my progress is at our next appointment, which is on November 14.  Going to the doctor now isn't as awful as it used to be.

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