Sunday, May 25, 2014

D.Tox - Day 14

DAY 14....FINALLY!!!!! 

I thought this day would never come.  I am beyond happy.

I started my day by going to Trader Joe's and loading up on things I couldn't eat for the last two weeks.  I have so many meals planned.  Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not going to go crazy, I'm just re-introducing the things I missed.  I will still watch my carb and sugar intake.  I can't wait to have a spoonful of sherbet.

I got my hair done this morning.  My hair grows like a weed, but my hair is super short and looks like crap if I wait too long in between cuts.  It definitely felt like a treat.

I came home and cooked myself a NY strip steak for lunch.  It was a little too well done for my taste, but it was still good and I ate the whole thing.  

I pretty much bummed around all afternoon basking in the holiday weekend laziness.

At 4, I went to the LifeSpa and got a 90 minute massage.  I can't think of a better way to end D.Tox.  It was so nice. My left leg was giving me some issues with numbness.  This is a residual issue due to nerve damage I suffered 15 years ago when I herniated some discs in my back.  Massage really helps the issue.  It really wasn't much of an issue until I started working out last year.  Before that it was just an occasional occurrence. 

I went to the Life Cafe and got one of the D.Tox smoothies.  Even they can't make the D.Tox smoothies taste great.  Sadness.

I came home and I was fiending for either sushi or pizza, both no-nos on D.Tox.  Luckily a wave of exhaustion hit me and I took a nap and woke up at 9:30.  

I woke up and watched TV until 11 and I went to bed.  One hour left to go.  I couldn't wait to fall asleep and wake up the next morning and eat an omelet.  Seriously, I am so strategic about what I'm eating Day 1 Post-D.Tox.

Well, that's it.  I'll do a D.Tox summary post to wrap up all of my feelings and experiences.

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