Sunday, May 18, 2014

D.Tox - Day 6

D.Tox Day 5 Weight Loss:  1.2 pounds
D.Tox Total Weight Loss:     8.2 pounds

Just cruising along

Things continue to get better on D.tox.  Sleeping like a baby, exercising, eating, hydrating, sweating.

For the first time during this D.tox, I ate food made by others.  For lunch I split a fatoosh salad with grill chicken with my court officer at work.  My work family decided to order out since it was Friday.  We all love Mediterranean food and it is relative healthy.  I could have eaten the entire salad, it was so yummy.  I did eat the tiny pieces of pita that were in the salad but I was careful to serve myself the least amount as possible.  I had a spoonful of hummus just for taste.  I was good and gave the pita bread that came with my salad to my court officer even though it killed me to do so.  I love pita bread.  

I have to tell you that I had a little boo boo with my afternoon shake.  All week I've been leaving work before it is time for my afternoon shake, so I've left my Monday afternoon shake in the refrigerator in my chambers.  I worked a full day today and went to have that shake for my pm shake and it was awful.  I think the coconut milk went bad or something.  I'm not sure why since the fridge seems to keep food very well.  Weird.  So I thought I would pass it on that the shakes might not have as long of a shelf life.  (I make mine in batches of 3 at a time).

For dinner I went to visit my friend Jackie.  Jackie has lost over 125 pounds and I plan on having her guest post on my blog in the near future.  I knew eating dinner with her would be healthy and within my D.Tox limitations.  I strongly suggest surrounding yourself with positive influences during D.Tox.  There are a lot of haters out there who don't understand the process or think it is too restrictive.  Stay away from those people if possible.

So for dinner I had some mujadra (again a Mediterranean dish), ginger soup, and grilled veggies.  The ginger soup was something Jackie got from The Wooden Spoon, a restaurant/market in Brighton that caters to using local ingredients and it's pretty healthy too.  Lunch is reasonably priced, dinner can be a little pricey.

In terms of exercise, I took today as a rest day.  I did go shopping with Jackie so I did quite a few steps in.  

Overall, things are definitely on an upswing.  

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