Tuesday, May 13, 2014

D.Tox - Day 3

D.Tox Day 2 Weight Loss:  2.4 pounds
D.Tox Total Weight Loss:   4.6 pounds

I feel human again!!!

As Day 2 ended the dreaded D.tox gassines started.   I spent most of Day 3 being a human Whoopee Cushion.

I woke up feeling better than Day 2.  I went to bed a little earlier, but not by much.  I lost another 2.4 pounds!  Yay!!!  The headache that tormented me for two days was gone.  The esophageal burning that I suffered yesterday was gone.  The only thing that remained was the mild nausea.

I felt head and shoulders better than yesterday.  I'm still not singing Zippity-Doo-Dah, but I don't feel like I'm on the throes of death either.

I had my shake for breakfast.  My mid-morning snack was baby carrots.  I had a Turkey burger patty for lunch again along with the last of my carrots and a Granny Smith apple.  I had my second shake in the afternoon.  For dinner I had a bowl of the soup I made last night.

Tonight I had a Pilates class.  Of course with all of the roll ups, twisting, and mat work, it was the perfect time for the gassiness to peak.  I had to not do some of the moves because I knew all hell would break lose if I put myself in those positions.  And of course, I am taking three Pilates classes this week so this is going to be epic.  

Here's to hoping for a better Day 4.

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear about your progress, Veronica!
    Sorry about the gassy-ness. I'm sure the people in your class would undersand if you farted, you would be forgiven! LOL!
