Wednesday, May 14, 2014

D.Tox - Day 4

D.Tox Day 3 Weight Loss:  0.6 pounds
D.Tox Total Weight Loss:   5.2 pounds

Day 4: I feel pretty fabulous.

I woke up on Day 4 having gotten an amazing night of sleep.  It was one of those rare nights of sleep where you feel like you slept like the dead.  I know that I was dreaming, but I can't remember exactly what they were about.  INCREDIBLE SLEEP!!!  I woke up energized and not feeling like a giant bag of crap.  

My body was super sore from Pilates last night.  I'm not sure if that has anything to do with being on D.tox or just the tough mat workout we did last night.  

I ate the same things for lunch and dinner that I did the last few days, but I am officially out of turkey burger patties.  I have Thursday off of work so I plan on going to Trader Joe's and restocking my fridge. 

Tonight I did class #2 of Pilates.  I usually only do Pilates twice a week, but with Cassie getting married and going on her honeymoon I have a class to make up.  I did much better than last night.  Of course, I was still a little gassy, so I had to pause and clench a couple times but it was much better.  We did some reformer, mat, and tower work.  It was a kickass work out.

So, I think I'm on the upswing of D.Tox.  Only 10 more days to go.


  1. Thank you for your blog! I am struggling on day 4 right now and I want my coffee!

    1. Thanks Ashley! Enjoy and good luck with D.Tox
