Friday, May 23, 2014

D.Tox - Day 10

D. Tox Day 9 Weight Loss:   1.8 pounds
D.Tox Total Weight Loss:    10.4 pounds

Yeah. I'm just putting this Dolvett Quince gif here because he's hot and I need some motivation.
This is also the same face I make when I think about sugar.

Tuesday.  Day 10.  Finally in double digit days!  

Since I am in the middle of a jury trial at work, I am having my second shake for lunch along with either some fruit or a veggie.  Today I had my shake and an apple and almond butter.  I'm totally on an almond butter kick.  Now I know why Sarah goes bananas over the Trader Joe's Almond Butter.  It's crazy good.   For dinner I had some of the turkey breast and zucchini I made on Sunday.  I just ate half of what I heated up.  I'm just bored with eating and to be quite honest the shakes are quite filling.  Especially with the things that I add to them like chia seeds.  

Tonight was Pilates night.  It was the first time the Three Amigos (me, Linda, and Maureen) were together in what feels like forever.  I have to say I totally kicked ass in Pilates tonight.  Cassie introduced  a new exercise which I couldn't exactly do, but it was the first time we've done it and when I do learn to do it I will be quite popular with the fellas.  The move pretty much requires you to lie on your back, lift your butt, and bend in half.  

I came home from Pilates, showered, and laid on the couch.  I'm so pooped.  I'm sleeping like a baby, but getting tired in the morning.  Luckily my lunch shake wakes me up and gets me through the afternoon.

Four. More. Days

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