Saturday, May 24, 2014

D.Tox - Day 13

Total D. Tox Weight Loss:  9 pounds

Day 13.  Unlucky 13.  Meh.

forget shoes, this is how I talk to a plate of chicken wings.

Yeah, I couldn't take it anymore.  I know I only had about 32 hours left, but I needed FOOD!!  It was the beginning of a long holiday weekend (the unofficial start of summer), I had a long work week, I needed a reward.  I still had my afternoon shake left to consume, but I said Fuck It, I want chicken wings.  

Judge me all you want.  I don't give a damn.  I didn't regret those wings for one millisecond.  I'm sure anyone walking past my apartment thought I was having sex because I was moaning and wailing while I was eating these wings.  They were phenomenal.  

I took today as a rest day.  I usually take Fridays as a rest day.  Pilates, Weight Training, Pilates is a trifecta of pain.  I need a day off after three days of that.

I spent my Friday evening watching TV, relaxing, and sucking wing sauce out from under my finger nails.


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