Sunday, May 18, 2014

D.Tox - Day 7

D. Tox Day 6 Weight Loss:  0.2 pounds
D.Tox Total Weight Loss:    8.4 pounds.

Today closed out Week 1 of D.tox.  Part of what is encouraged is to sit in the sauna a few times a week to get rid of the toxins.  Instead of that I decided to take a Hot Vinyasa class.  The class is normally taught by Rickita, but she got a sub named Luis.  WHAT AN AWFUL CLASS!!!  He was way different than any instructor I ever took and not in a good way.  People walked out.  It was a Cluster F***.  Instead of being all zen, I was confused and frustrated.  And I'm not a newbie.  I've taken yoga classes at LTF since August.  I was like this .......

I did sweat buckets but I NEVER want to take a class by this guy ever again.

For food today, I just didn't feel like cooking.  I went to a local Middle Eastern restaurant called Sheesh and ordered a fatoosh salad with grilled chicken.  The salad I had for lunch the day before really got me in the mood for fatoosh and it is healthy.  The order was so huge, I had it for both lunch and breakfast.

Also this afternoon I went to Kohl's and bought some clothes.....normal sized clothes!  This is a huge accomplishment because I've been a plus-sized store shopper for the almost 15 years.  And I'm stepping outside of the box by getting patterns and not just solid colored clothes.  It was definitely exciting.

In terms of how I am feeling as I end this first week, I am doing significantly better than I was at the beginning of the week.  That being said, I cant' wait until D.Tox is over.  This has been a brutal experience this time around compared to last year.

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