Monday, December 9, 2013

An Introduction

I'm writing this partially because my trainer, Sarah Depa, thought it would be a good idea.  I have written blogs before and I think I'm pretty good at expressing myself in words.

As of this date, I have lost approximately 45 pounds.  I say "approximately" because I weigh myself at home, in the morning, and I use my bathroom scale as my official weigh-in scale.  Sarah weighs me in every Monday before our workout, but that's not an empty stomach weight.  I like weighing myself on an empty stomach (and colon).

I started this journey on May 15, 2013.  I already belonged to my gym (Lifetime Fitness Novi), but I hadn't gone there for eight months.  I joined Lifetime in March of 2012 and I joined the TEAM Weight Loss class and attended for two 12 week sessions.  I didn't  change my diet, I wasn't as motivated, it just wasn't "my time".

I had been thinking about coming back to the gym for a while.  I wasn't happy with my appearance.  In November 2012, my doctor suggested I have weight loss surgery.  I was just getting too large and becoming too much of a health risk.  Maybe if I had health insurance at that time, I would have seriously taken my doctor up on her recommendation.  But I knew how to lose weight the "old-fashioned way."  In 2010, I lost 30 pounds while working with a personal trainer for 30 minutes twice a week and eating clean.  I just had to find the motivation to get started.

In April of 2013, Greg Hill from Lifetime started bugging me via email about coming back in since I still had some unused TEAM sessions.  Ugh, okay.  I was nervous.  Lifetime is HUGE and a bit intimidating.  But I was paying for a gym membership month after month and not using it.

I met with Greg and told him what exercises I liked.  I also told him to NEVER EVER high-five me.  I hate that shit.  I could tell he was a high-fiver and I had to put him in his place immediately or else I was walking out the door.

We decided that doing personal training was the way for me to go.  I agreed to 2 - 1 hour sessions a week for the time being.  I mean I was doing great in my business and making a ton of money.  Now, some people will think I pay too much, but in the long run imagine how much I would save in medicine and God forbid out-of-pocket doctor/hospital expenses.

My first training session with Sarah was on May 15, 2013.  It was a disaster.  I only made it halfway through.  My sugar was crashing.  I didn't prepare my body for training.  I was so embarassed, but also doubtful of whether this was such a good idea.  But then again, I don't quit things very easy, so I decided to stick it out.

The next morning, I was freakishly sore.  I mean CRAZY SORE.  We're talking "Brittany almost had to help me off the toilet at work" sore.  I was sore for about four days!  It got to the point that I hated going to the bathroom because getting on the toilet and up from the toilet was so painful.

Sarah was very nice and would text me and check up on me.  I mean, it was the least she could do, she tried to kill me.

So, that's how this all started.  I hope you liked reading this.  I'm going to try to play catch up with my first few posts and get everyone (if anyone actually reads this) caught up to where I am and you can read along with my progress,

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