Saturday, December 21, 2013

Massage Saturday

Today was my monthly massage.  I look forward to these Saturdays because the massages really help the issue I have with my left thigh going numb.  I had surgery in 1999 on my low back.  I had herniated discs at L4, L5, and S1.  I had horrendous sciatica and I have suffered some long term nerve damage in the form of my outer left thigh going numb.  It wasn't much of an issue when I was sedentary, but once I started working out, it became an issue.  Luckily, since I've been working with Drea at the LifeSpa, it has gotten much better and only flairs up occasionally.  

The last month or so I've also had some issues with my neck.  I think it has to do with how I am sleeping and it can get quite painful.  It hurts to turn my head to the left sometimes.  So, we started the massage this morning working on my neck and upper back area.

My neck feels so much better and my leg doesn't have the numbing feeling anymore.  My next massage will be on January 11.  

After the massage, I made my way over to a gluten free bakery in Plymouth that I've been dying to check out.  Oh my God, it was AMAZING!!!  Gluten free as far as the eye could see (hey, that rhymes!).  If you are gluten free and in the Plymouth area, check out Rumi's Passion Gluten Free Bakery.  You will not be disappointed.  I bought a loaf of white bread for my mom, some pepperoni and cheese bread and a peanut butter brownie for myself.   I'm eating the brownie right now and it is slap-your-mama good.

Then I made my way to Lyon Township to pick up some gluten free Italian fare at Bon-a-Rose Foods.  Their website is currently down, so you might want to try back in a few days.  They have the most amazing apple sauce (GF), which is actually made of beets.  Their marinara sauce (GF) is also incredible.   They sell other great products as well as frozen meals.  I'm not sure of the GF status of the prepared foods, but I have had the lasagna and the meatballs.  I know that some of the pastas they sell are organic.  So good!!!  And it's great to support local businesses that make the effort to bring healthy foods to people watching their diet.  

I plan to take some of the products from both Bon-a-Rose and Rumi's to my mom's house and have a healthy Christmas Eve and Day.  

I got home and then caught up on some of my DVR'd shows.  I then went back to Lifetime to do Week 4 Day 2 of the Couch to 5k program.  I had planned on going to spinning this morning, but I just couldn't get out that early.  I decided to let over 30 hours go before I ran again since I did Day 1 yesterday.   I would say Day 2 went better than Day 1 although I was sweating even more this time.  The second five minute run was still a killer, but I got through it.  I will probably do Day 3 next Friday.

Have a great weekend everybody!

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