Saturday, December 28, 2013

My Epic Return To Yoga

Today I went to my first yoga class since September or early October.  My work schedule and transcript orders got crazy around that time, so I had to spend more time working on that than coming to yoga.  I missed it, but I didn't realize how much.  Sarah had also suggested that I get back into it.  You know I do everything she tells me to do.  ;)

I went to the 1215 Ashtanga Vinyasa class taught by Rickita.  I really like this class.  It is a longer class at 75 minutes, but it flies by.  I was a little nervous that I would be rusty, but I think I did pretty good.   I was sweating like a pig.  Overall though I am glad I went.  I definitely am going to re-introduce yoga into my schedule.

My downward dog was a little sad and painful the first few times that I did it.  I couldn't get my heels down on the mat to save my life.  My calves were so tight.  After a few times, I was warmed up and was able to do much better.  That alone told me I had to make more time for yoga.  I thought that a rest day and a massage once a month was enough to loosen up my muscles, but obviously not.

My balance was a little rough, but my boat pose was much better than the last time I did yoga.  My stamina was much improved, too.  I didn't go into child's pose once to rest.

I went through the Lifetime Group Fitness schedule and I'm pretty excited that there is a Friday evening class added.

After class, I felt about ten pounds lighter and my breathing was pretty easy.  :)

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