Thursday, December 19, 2013

Year's End!

I am done with work for the year!  Thank goodness!!!

One of the things I am most excited about is being able to come in and workout early and take some group classes.  I'm also looking forward to starting Week 4 of the Couch to 5k program tomorrow.

This was a good week for me in Pilates and with personal training.  I am loving the Glutamine powder I bought.  It sure is helping with recovery.  I'm not even sore after Sarah trained the crap out of me this week.

Today, I bought my first ever Groupon.  It was for 2 weeks of unlimited boxing/kickboxing classes at Title Boxing in Farmington Hills.  The groupon doesn't expire until April, so I will probably use it some time in February or March.  

I'm also thinking about some potential New Year's resolutions.  I am considering possibly doing a 5k every month.  We'll see because that could get pretty expensive since most of them are over $30.  I definitely want to do the Super Bowl 5k since it is here in Novi.   Definitely going to continue training with Sarah for the near distant future.  I want to continue losing weight (duh!).   I want to resume doing yoga at least once a week.   Continue with Spinning/Studio Cycle.  And of course, continue doing Pilates and maybe even bump it up to twice a week.

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