Thursday, December 26, 2013

Healthy Christmas

My mom had previously mentioned having a healthy Christmas this year.  My mom's sister and my favorite aunt, Fina, died the Saturday after Thanksgiving of a massive heart attack.  I'm not sure how big of a part this played in my mom's request, but my mom is a Type II diabetic, has high blood pressure, and high cholesterol so it's best if she try to eat healthier.

On the menu for Christmas were the super delicious Spinach Artichoke Portabella Quiches for breakfast.  These are so yummy, you can eat them at any meal.   For lunch, I made cooked some meatballs that I got from Bon A Rose and some of their gluten free marinara sauce.  For dinner I made Pork Tenderloin and roasted asparagus.  Everything was quite yummy and a welcomed change from our past Christmases.

A sign of how eating well can change your health, my mom usually has a morning blood glucose reading in the 120s and an evening reading in the 150s and above.  Her reading on Christmas evening was 125 and her morning reading on the 26th was 105!!!!  There were plenty of leftovers for my mom to enjoy over the next few days.  I have to say she's really become very conscious of trying to eat healthy although she does tend to slack occasionally.  Hopefully, as I continue to eat healthy, she'll follow my lead.

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear about your mom's progress! Hope she keeps up the healthy lifestyle changes!
