Saturday, December 21, 2013


Just a heads up before I fully go into this post.  This post has to do with my recent doctor's appointment that was my annual "female appointment."  I'm not going to go into gory graphic detail, but just explain how I believe my weight loss, exercise, and diet changes have positively affected my health and my test results.

Now, if you still want to read on, feel free.

So, I got some FANTASTIC news today from my doctor's office.  My pap results came back NORMAL!!!  This hasn't happened to me since 2006!!  In 2007, my results came back irregular and I was referred to another doctor to have additional testing done to rule out cervical cancer.  I had an extremely painful colposcopy (aka cervical biopsy) in the Spring of 2008.  I didn't have cancer, but I did have irregular cells and I had to have quarterly pap tests for a year.  Getting a pap test once a year is bad enough, but 4 in a year is just plain awful.

I haven't been as diligent in getting my annual exam, but now I'm not as afraid of the doctor as I had been.  I hated getting weighed in general and then getting "the talk" from my doctor about my weight continually climbing and all the risks associated with being so obese.  Now, I enjoy going to the doctor and getting weighed because the talks are much more happy and less grim.

I really think that not drinking pop, exercising, losing weight, and changing my diet have helped contribute to my great test results.  I'm extremely happy with how this is working because it's not just about what you look like on the outside, but what happens on the inside.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you're not only focused on feeling good on the outside, all those things can be associated with keeping regular activity and a healthy diet!
    So proud of you, glad your visit was awesome! :)
