Friday, December 27, 2013

Couch To 5k Week 4 Day 3

Today I went to the gym to finish out Week 4 of the Couch to 5k program.   I've been having a real issue with the second five minute run.  I am just so out of breath by the time I have to do it.

I got about 1:19 into the last 5 minutes and had to walk.  I did eventually finish the remaining 3:41, but I did it in 3 additional rounds.  So, I did do the 5 minutes, but I needed more than the 90 seconds of recovery.  I was disappointed in myself, but I also didn't want to cause any sort of injury or respiratory issue if I pushed myself too hard.  I know when to stop.

So, the thing I had to ask myself is whether to move forward with Week 5 or continue to try Week 4 Day 3 until I nailed it.  I took a look at the next run and decided to move forward.  My main issue was the recovery time and the next few runs have longer recoveries.  Week 5 Day 1 is run 5 minutes, walk 3 minutes and repeat 3 times.   This should work out a little better for me.  I plan to try this on Monday afternoon.

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