Thursday, December 26, 2013

Happy Festivus

I celebrate Festivus.  It is totally my type of holiday.  I don't really decorate for Christmas, I don't like to listen to Christmas music, I don't really get into the spirit of Christmas.  It's a short work month and signals a long vacation from work before the busyness of the new year comes.

For the last three years, I have celebrated Festivus by having a meal with my cousin, Maria, and her daughters.  Here is a current picture of her three girls:  Olivia will be 9 on the 30th, Dalia is 4, and Marcia is a year-and-a-half.

This year, we invited my mom and Maria's mom, Aunt Basil.  We had lunch at Mario's Mexican Restaurant in Adrian.  Hands down, they are the best Mexican restaurant around.  If you think the crap in Mexicantown Detroit is good, you are seriously diluted.

I totally let myself splurge and chowed down.  This was the first time I had been to Mario's in 2013, so I think I could let myself go nutso.  I don't think they use gluten because I had no negative reaction to any of the food.  It's all homemade and cooked to order that same day.  I had some chips and salsa, the special (one beef taco, and two tostadas on corn tortillas), rice and beans.  I had water to drink.

It was a really great Festivus and a nice time spent with family.   Hope you all have a wonderful Festivus and don't forget....

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