Saturday, March 29, 2014

Products I Love and Use

This was just going to be an exercise blog, but I thought I'd expand it occasionally to share some things that I've come across that I love using.

First of all, I have been looking at the home and beauty section at Trader Joe's and I stumbled upon this Coconut Body Butter.  I've heard about all the healthy benefits to cooking with coconut oil and recently read somewhere that using it on your body as a lotion is great for the skin, too.  So, I've been using the body butter pictured below and I am in heaven.  It smells amazing (like coconut, naturally) and my skin feels soft and moisturized.  I was super excited that the top flips open like an oyster shell, which is convenient when putting it on.  I hate removable tops.  The price on this was pretty economical at under $5.  

Next is a day creme that I've been using for years.  It's by Bioelements.   As you can see by the jar, I am almost in need of some more.  What I love about this product is its clean non-perfumed scent.  Also, the added lutein helps protect my skin from the effects from indoor florescent lighting.  I use another Bioelements product called the Twice Daily Bar.  It's a bar of soap that I use to wash my face in the morning and clean my face when I get home and remove my makeup.  Bioelements is not cheap, but they are quality skin products.  The Day Creme runs about $50 and I buy about two jars a year.  The Twice Daily Bar is $27 and I'm still on my first bar that I bought last year.

One of my New Year's Resolutions was to quit biting my nails.  I am a horrible nail biter,  yet on the flipside, when I grow my nails they are beautiful.  I paint my nails about two or three times a week.  I've become obsessed with buying nail polish.  I treat myself to a bottle of OPI whenever I go to get my eyebrows waxed. I've really started loving Revlon's Parfumerie scented nail polish.

For a few years, I've use Revlon's Colorstay Ultimate Liquid Lipstick.  When they say Colorstay, they aren't joking.  I can apply some in the morning and it stays on the entire day and into the next day!  I have only two colors because they are my favorites.  Brilliant Bordeaux and Stellar Sunrise.  I use Brilliant Bordeaux the most and I get TONS of compliments on it.  Even yesterday, the cashier at my favorite Thai restaurant mentioned how much she loved my lipstick.

There is one downside to the Liquid Lipstick and that is that leaves your lips super dry.  Luckily for me, my friend Kate sent me some of her favorite lip gloss.  It is the L'Oreal Colour Riche leGloss.  It took some getting used to because I'm a chapstick girl, but I really have grown to like this gloss.

So, there are just a few of my current favorite products.  When I find new things that I can't live without, I'll let you know!

This Week In Workouts

It's been an exciting week of workouts.  I think I'm over this adrenal fatigue thing and I am conscious about what I am doing and listening to my body.  The scale has started to go back down, which is great!

I worked three days this week.  Next week I am working all five days.  Holy crap that is a lot for me.  But I enjoy making money and being able to pay for all of my health-related stuff.

Sunday and Wednesday were training days and the detailed thread about those workouts is here.

Monday I was super excited to get out of work earlier because I went to Lifetime and took Tammy's Vinyasa Flow class.  It was a great class and I got a great workout.  I haven't taken one of Tammy's classes in a while and I love her classes.

Tuesday I did two classes.  I started using my very first Groupon that I purchased in December for two weeks of unlimited boxing classes at Title Boxing Club.  You can ready all about my first class here.    Then in the evening I went to my Pilates class.  You can read about that class here.   I was very careful to notice how I was feeling all day.  I really didn't want to overdo it and backslide back into adrenal fatigue.

I went to my second boxing class on Thursday evening.  I had a different instructor this time.  His name is Greg and we have some mutual friends in common, The Parutas.  I really enjoyed his class and actually liked it better than the first class I went to.  I was a little iffy about whether I wanted to continue after my Groupon expired, but now I definitely want to continue.  My arms were punching like crazy.  My bat wings were flapping.  It was both funny and gross.

Friday was a much deserved day off.

Saturday, I took another boxing class at Title.  The teacher was Mark.  It was another great class.  I think I am getting better at the fundamentals of boxing, at least in my opinion.  Who knows, I might look like a crazy person hitting the bag.

Have a great week and as always I leave you with a motivational meme.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A Very Awesome Pilates Class

Usually I just include my Pilates class in my weekly workout thread, but last night's Pilates class was quite unique.  First of all, my classmates Linda and Maureen had previously scheduled plans so they weren't going to attend class last night.  That's just totally crazy because I NEVER schedule anything on Tuesday evenings.  Nope, I'm not missing my Pilates class for nothing!

I knew for a whole week that this class was more than likely going to end up being a private with Cassie just instructing me.  I texted her to see if we could do some spring board work and she agreed.  I was super excited even though I didn't know what the spring board would involve.

Would this happen? 

We started class and did our regular stuff, then we did our spring board portion.  I loved it!  It was a little weird to do all that jumping but it was fun.  I can totally understand why newbies can't do the spring board because you do have to have control and know how where your body is on the reformer.   It was all jumping but because you're supine there isn't the impact on the knees.   I totally dug it.  I could feel my cheeks getting red but I wasn't winded or exhausted.  Even though I did a boxing class in the morning, I really wasn't too exhausted although when it was time to get off the reformer I was wobbly.

Each exercise we did was a minute and thirty seconds followed by 30 seconds of rest.  When Cassie changed up the springs, I felt like I was jumping in slow motion.  It was a bizarre feeling and at first I thought I was doing something wrong.

It was so much fun that I was surprised to see all of the sweat I left on the reformer and the back of my shirt was drenched!!!!  I haven't sweat like that in Pilates ever!

Currently, Lifetime offers one spring board class a week.  I really want to do this again and I know Linda and Maureen and going to be very curious to try it.  Hopefully when and if they expand to more springboard classes, I can increase my Pilates to twice a week.

Thanks for letting me try this, Cassie!!!!!

Training 2014 - Week 12

Training this week was on Sunday and Wednesday.

Sunday was a total body workout.  We used some new machines.  We used the Super Squat machine which I totally loved.  In general I love using the squat machines.  We used a new row machine and some other machine I don't know the name of, but it was for my upper body.  We did lunges again for what seemed an eternity.

Also on Sunday I renewed my contract with Sarah for an indefinite period of time.  Usually I just sign up in three month increments, but I've switched to just being on term which means I'll just keep on going until whenever.  I'm really glad I did this because it helps with my determination and motivation.  I'll keep doing this until I get to my goal and then maintain.

Wednesday was another totally body workout.   We did more squats on the squat machine.  Unfortunately, the Super Squat machine was being used so we used the regular squat machine.  That's fine since I like squats.  (Lunges, not as much).  We then moved on and did some donkey kicks (not donkey punches LOL) and then some straight legs kicks.  We also did some dead lifts which I also like doing.  We did other things and ended with planks.  I liked the entire workout.  Any workout without lunges is a favorite for me.

And if you're wondering why I don't mention every exercise we do, there are two reasons.  One, I can't remember the name of every single exercise....I just do what I'm told.  Second, I pay good money for these workouts and I'm not going to give out my exact entire workout on here for free.  Get your own trainer!  LOL

Have a great week everyone!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

My First Boxing Class

Today I used the first fitness Groupon I have ever purchased.  It was for two weeks of unlimited classes at TITLE Boxing Club.  TITLE is a chain in many states and they are growing fast in Michigan with new clubs coming to Novi, Livonia, and Canton in the near future.  I went to the location in Farmington Hills, which is just up on Haggerty a few miles from me.

I was a little nervous, but there were three other newbies there.  We all worked out close to each other so that the instructor could  help us more easily.  Everyone there was really friendly and helpful.  The club was very clean and I loved the set up.  There is no front or back section where the punching bags are.  Just plant yourself in front of a punching bag and class starts.  I was given wrist wraps and a pair of gloves.  The gloves were just for borrowing, but the wraps are mine.  I got rainbow striped which is great because I do love my gays.

The set up is like this picture I found on

The class consists of a 15 minute warm up, then 8 3-minute boxing rounds with a minute between rounds of active recovery, and then a 15 minute core workout to finish the class.  Big props to Sarah for getting me prepared to handle a workout like that and survive.  I handled it quite well and I was proud of myself.   (I did drink my Generation UCan before class).

I absolutely LOVED the boxing portion.  I didn't hurt my hands, they felt very protected.  My only issue was my footing.  You have to be light on your toes and not be on your heels.  I admit I was nervous with the moves, but I think I loosened up a bit and really got into it.

The Core workout at the end of class was a killer!!  Holy crap!  My lower abs were feeling it.  None of the exercises in the core section were impossible, just challenging and definitely made my abs burn.  And we did Russians, which I LOATH!!!!  I modified one of the exercises with some leg raises we've done in Pilates.

I just :LOVED this class.  I can't wait to go back.  I'm debating joining or not since I already do spend a lot at Lifetime with PT and Pilates.  TITLE isn't very expensive, but when you consider everything else I'm doing it is.  I so enjoyed myself and I wasn't on my deathbed leaving.  I was sweaty and challenged.  The only downside I would say is the smell of my hands from being in the boxing gloves.  It reminded me of driving my cousin home from football practice....all the sweat in those gross football pads.

LOVED, LOVED, LOVED TITLE Boxing Club.  I'm going back on Thursday.

This isn't me.....yet.  LOL

Saturday, March 22, 2014

The Haters Among Me

This is something that I've noticed since I've started working out and making progress.  And it seems the more progress I make, the more haters there are.  What's even more bizarre is how close those haters are to me.

I'm used to people who haven't seen me in a while commenting positively on the changes in me and my body, but then there are those with the backhanded comments.  And then there are those that are just constantly putting a negative spin on everything.  Sorry, sweetheart, you had weight loss surgery, skin removal surgery, and you STILL look like shit.  Jealous of me because I'm doing what you didn't have the willpower to do?   I applauded you in my previous thread about weight loss surgery, but you just have nothing positive to say about anybody.

Now it may seem like I'm playing down to her level, but my saying she looks like shit is a) true and b) way outnumbered by the negative and sarcastic comments she's thrown at me.  

And that's not the only hater I have.  I won't dwell on them individually but I know the shade you're throwing my way.  Proving the haters wrong is part of my motivation to keep on going.

Workout Roundup

This was a busy work week for me....four days.  I find that when I work I have to sort of force myself to work.  My work is very mentally draining.  I can't wait until the new yoga studio is done, hopefully there will be more evening yoga classes.

Sunday and Wednesday were personal training days with Sarah.    The post about those workouts are here.

Monday and Friday were my days off.

Tuesday I had Pilates.  Next week, my classmates Maureen and Linda will be gone, so I will have a private class with Cassie!  I asked her if we could use the springboard and she said we could.  I think she's going to beat the crap out of me.

Thursday I took John's 430 Vinyasa class.  I usually double up and also take David's spinning class after, but I just did the Vinyasa.  I'm really trying not to overdo it.  I think I've really paid the price for doing so much the last few weeks.  I need to just chill out.

Saturday I did do two classes.  I took Linda's 645 Spinning class and my favorite yoga class Ashtanga Vinyasa with Rickita.

Wednesday after my training session with Sarah, I met up with Leesa for a nutrition session.  Clearly if my body is not in full blown adrenal fatigue it is somewhat.  She advised me to cut the spinning classes down to once a week which I've decided I will make the Saturday 645 am class.  She wants me to continue with the Pilates and yoga.  She actually wants me to combine the dry sauna on my yoga days.   She was quite thrilled with my diet for the most part.  She remembers what a mess my diet was when I started this and she seemed pretty impressed with my changes.

I have to say I felt even better about myself after that session with Leesa.  I was glad to hear that I'm doing something right and hopefully this plateau will end soon.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Training 2014 - Week 11

I finally came out of my funk on Saturday.  I got my hair cut and I hung out with friends.  I still let myself have a cheat day on Saturday (along with Thursday and Friday), but I knew that I was going to get back on track on Sunday.

Sunday I met with Sarah for our first session of the week.  She totally beat the crap out of me.  We did an all-body workout but it was very squat/lunge heavy.   I am so glad I grabbed something to eat in the Life Cafe before the workout and drank my Generation U Can.  Holy crap!  I couldn't wait to crawl home and drink my protein shake.  I thank my lucky stars that I got a close parking space!  That'll teach me to get down on myself and feel like quitting.

Wednesday ended up being another total body day.  We did the leg stuff work and the upper body at the end.  That definitely felt weird.  Lots of squats and lunges today, too.  We did TRX reverse lunges which I actually like doing.  I LOVE doing the squat machine, too.

After my session today, I met with Leesa to discuss my routine including diet and try and figure out how I can get out of this plateau.  I'll write more about it in my weekly workout thread that will be coming up on Saturday or Sunday.

I have to say I am feeling way better than I was this time last week.  I'm glad that's all over and I've moved on from all the negative things.

Feeling and Looking Good

Today I worked at a courthouse that I haven't been at since Thanksgiving week.  I would say that on the scale I've only lost 2 pounds, but I look way thinner than the last time I saw them.  Seriously, everybody's reaction was:

Those reactions were exactly what I needed after the last week I had.  I have to say I am feeling better and eating better, but the stupid scale is going nowhere or up.  

It also helped that so many people asked me what I was doing and asking for tips on diet and exercise.  Clearly I'm doing something right and I am really thankful for the words that were spoken to me.  I appreciate it more than they'll ever know.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

A Week of Rest (Kinda)

Daylight Savings Time totally screwed my life up.  Every morning I hit the snooze at least 3 times.  Zero energy, but I still have things to do and places to be.

This week I worked Monday and Tuesday.  I went home to visit my mom on Thursday afternoon to Friday afternoon.  Friday morning I had my taxes done.  As a self-employed person who has 1099s, I knew I was going to have to pay in to the IRS but I was blown away by the actual amount.  YIKES!  Oh well, as my tax preparer said, "It's going towards your Social Security and Medicare."  

Sunday, I went to the 9 a.m. spinning class.  Todd wasn't there, so it was a sub.  I liked him enough.  I was going to also take Martina's Vinyasa Flow class, but I was tired so I came home after I grabbed some breakfast.

Monday I was supposed to workout with Sarah, but I canceled.   I've posted all about that .

Tuesday I had Pilates.  It was the 90 Day Challenge Try It Tuesday - Pilates, so Cassie was busy doing that.  We had Heather sub teach our class.  She is new to Lifetime, but not new to Novi.  She grew up on Novi and recently moved back.  Great winter to move back, Heather!   I really enjoyed having Heather teach us.  My classmates and I encouraged her to sub for Cassie when she gets married in May.  She taught us some variations and new things.  It was absolutely great!

Wednesday was my lone training session with Sarah.

I took Thursday, Friday, and Saturday off from exercise as well as eating well.  Oh well, after the crappy week I've had I feel I deserve it.

So, I worked out three days this past week.  That's really not bad once I think about it.  Some people don't even exercise that much.  

Have a good week!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Spring Forward, Confidence Blown

Monday.  Monday was my cliff of confidence and I got pushed off.  First of all, it was the first work day after Daylight Savings.  I hit snooze three times!  I honestly don't remember the alarm going off the first time.

I was supposed to have a training session with Sarah, but work was really busy and I had a date at 7.  A date!  A first date!  This was my first foray into dating since my ex and I broke up last year.  I've been doing the online thing for a few months, but never got to the point of going out with someone.  It's just been emailing here and there and it was going nowhere.  My friend Brittany says I should update my pictures because my hair is shorter and my face is thinner.  I will take that advice, but I'm just not "there" yet.

My date was with a guy named Matt.  He is a year older than me and lives in the next suburb over.  Divorced dad of a teenage girl.  Seemed like a funny and interesting guy on the phone and via text.  We were going to meet at a local chain restaurant for dinner.

I was definitely nervous.  This was my first first date in over three years.  I did mention to Matt that my hair was shorter than in my pictures.  He was fine with that.  He knew I worked out a lot and joked that he didn't like women too thin, liked more of a Jennifer Lopez-type.  Cool.  I'm not at my goal weight, but I have lost a lot of weight and I feel and look great!  I mean, everyone I know says so and they've seen me at my absolute heaviest.

I wore my favorite fuschia v-neck sweater with beading.  And I wore my never-worn size 14 jeans.  Size 14!!!  I've been in size 14 slacks/pants for a while, but denim is an unforgiving fabric.  I looked fabulous.   The jeans fit me perfect.  I was so excited to finally wear these jeans that I bought MONTHS ago.   I did my hair and makeup with meticulous care.  This was time to debut the newest version of me to the dating world.

Now, I didn't have my hopes set too high.  The chances of this being the man of my dreams were low.  I mean, no one is THAT lucky to meet someone that will totally sweep them their feet right away.

We met outside the restaurant.  He looked like his pictures, even though a few were taken a couple years ago.  He was more gray than in his pictures.  That's okay.  He was still what I expected and I found him attractive.

We were seated at the table.  He never once looked at me.  He looked in my general area.  He didn't like me.  I wanted to disappear.  I wanted to be anywhere but there.  He didn't want to be there either, but it was because he was disappointed.

We ordered our food and got bad service.  My food was fine, but he ordered a side sauce for his sandwich which didn't arrive until the sandwich was cold.  Thinking back on it, maybe that's what he deserved.  We talked, but there were a lot of painful silences.  I was the one trying to make conversation because I was hoping at least to make this less miserable.

All of the confidence and progress I had made in the last nine months was completely erased in the span of 40 minutes.  Someone I didn't know took all of that work and took a dump on it because I didn't meet his standards.  I know you are all thinking that I shouldn't let this get me down, but it's a little hard when you're sitting across from someone who doesn't want to even make eye contact with you.

Oddly, he wanted to walk me to my car, gave me a hug, and told me to text him when I got home.  Um, okay.  I did text him and we exchanged a few texts, but I don't know why.  This dude clearly wasn't interested.

Not to be rude, but he shouldn't date someone by their appearance if you know what I mean.  He's not perfect.  But oh well, it was an experience.  Not a good experience, but an experience.

So, that totally deflated my confidence/self-esteem/pride.   It doesn't help that this is coming at the tail-end of the most horrific winter in my life.  Also, to add insult to injury, I'm plateauing in my weight loss.  I was ripe for the picking on this emotional roller coaster.  My mood has improved a bit even though I feel like I'm eating to compensate for my weight plateau depression.

I won't quit, but I think I need a little time to be sad.  This has been the worst week I've had in a long time.  I'm going to allow some wallowing and then get back at it.   I will get to my goal eventually.

I'll end this post with some positive memes.

Fitbit Challenge Completed

The 50 Day Fitbit Challenge at the gym ended on Monday.  I accomplished the 10,000 steps per day goal meaning I got at least 500,000 steps!  My goal was to be in the top ten of the participants.  I don't know if I did it, but I'm pretty sure I did.  I was in the top 10 for the month of February and the 10 days in March.  I'm  not sure if Erica will give us our ranking or just confirm that we got 10,000 a day.

Can't wait to do the next challenge whenever it comes up!

Training 2014 - Week 10

I only trained on Wednesday this week.  Sarah made it sort of an all-body workout to make up for the cancelled session on Monday.

It was a tough workout and I was tired after.  So tired, in fact, that I slept for two hours after I got home.  Wednesday was also another snow storm here in Michigan, so between that, the time change, and my funky mood I've been pretty down.

Considering all of that, I did very well.    I'm hoping I get out of this funk soon because I really want to push forward with my goals.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Stress and Resilience Test (Retest)

I sat down with Julie today at Lifetime and got the results from my latest Stress and Resilience test.  My morning and afternoon cortisol levels were fine/normal.  (That's great news since my initial S&R last year had my morning levels way high.)  My dinner and evening cortisol levels were low.  My DHEA levels have actually decreased, which is not necessarily good news.

Julie suggested that rather than take more DHEA as I did after the last exam, I should take a Vitamin D supplement and also change the times I take my Metformin.  Rather than take it with my vitamins, I could take them separately.

She also wants me to continue with the yoga and Pilates since those exercises keep me in my lower heart rate zones.  When I take my Spinning classes, I should concentrate on staying on Zones 1, 2, and 3.  If I do go into Zones 4 and 5, I should only be there for 30 seconds.

The optimum time for me to work out is in the morning since that's when my cortisol levels are best.

I should really aim for at least 8 hours of sleep or more!  Yay!!!! She didn't have to tell me twice.  I LOVE to sleep.

What I Did - March 2014, Week 2

I'm going to start a new weekly thread about the other workouts I do during a particular week.   The label will be "in other workout news".

This week I took two rest days:  Sunday and Friday.

I worked four days this week, which is more than I've worked in the last two weeks.  So, I had to get used to working and working out again.

On Monday and Wednesday, I worked out with Sarah and that related post is here.  On Tuesday, I had Pilates.  We did some tower work, which I absolutely love and wish we did more of.  I'll have to bug Cassie about that.  Thursday I took David's 5:45 Spinning class.  His class is super busy and there was a minor confrontation between two guys on the bike next to me.  YIKES!!  Saturday, I slept through the 6:45 Spinning class and only made it to the 12:15 Ashtanga Vinyasa class.  Rickita was in Chicago for a yoga training weekend, so she had Keri sub for her.  Not sure if Keri knew it was a 75 minute class because she made it a 60 minute class.  That's okay though.  I got a good workout anyway.

I have a Groupon for boxing classes at a local gym that expires in about a month, so I am probably going to start that up sometime this week or next weekend.

I'll leave you with a Beyonce gif on motivation.  Have a great workout week!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Training 2014 - Week 9

This week is Recovery Week.  This is also a week where I am working with Sarah in the evenings.  It seems so weird.  I haven't worked out with Sarah in the evenings in FOREVER!!!

Monday was upper body day.  We did some super-setting again.  The cardio was the prowler AGAIN!!! The weight was lower since it is recovery week (70 pounds + the prowler weight).

Wednesday was leg day.  I gave Sarah her birthday present of 2 pounds of PB2 (powdered peanut butter).  We're a couple of workout dorks who get excited about stuff like that.

My legs were pretty pooped considering I had a busy work week and wasn't working out as crazy as I had been.  Geez, I'm glad it wasn't a regular week!!!

Part of the reason we were taking it easy this week is because I am getting my Stress and Resilience results on Saturday.  Sarah is going to see what the results say and modify our workouts accordingly.   I'm so excited to get my results.  I'll do a blog post about it this weekend.  Stay tuned........

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Today is my trainer Sarah's 26th birthday.  Since I've been working out with her in May, she's become more than my trainer, she's my friend.

I never imagined where I would be a year ago.  I've really made some progress and while Sarah is only two hours of my routine every week, I am always texting her with questions and forwarding funny memes.   I know she would say that most of my progress is just from me working hard and doing the right things, but I have to give her some credit, too.  I couldn't have made the strides I have without her.

She's not only dedicated to her own workouts and competing, but she's dedicated to her clients.  I'm glad Greg picked her to be my trainer. I'd give him a high five if I was into that nonsense.

Thanks for all you've done for me, Sarah and  Happy Birthday!!!! 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Slow Work Week = Busy Workout Week

This past week was another slow work week for me.  Work is picking up and I am working four days this coming week.  That's just the nature of the beast in my business.  Feast or famine.

I made great use of my time home.  I did some transcript work and I worked out like a lunatic.  We're talking Biggest Loser Rachel crazy (well, not that crazy).

Sunday I took Martina's Vinyasa Flow class.  Boy, was that class packed.  I swear everyone at Lifetime was in that class.

Monday was a major workout day.  I worked out with Sarah and I took two group classes.  I took Spinning and then Slow Burn Yoga.  Wow, I was beat.  I know Sarah will kill me for doing that much in one day and I may have overdone it, but it's not like I work out like that every day.

Tuesday I took a Spinning Class and my regular Tuesday night Pilates class.

Wednesday I worked out legs with Sarah and that's all I was going to do.  Then I noticed that my right hamstring was tight, so I quickly got ready and took Claudia's Hatha Yoga class in the evening.  I really have to say that I am loving that class and Claudia as an instructor.

Thursday I took a Spinning class and then I came back in the evening for an awesome massage in the LifeSpa.   I really needed that massage because I strained a muscle in my back loading some things in my car on Tuesday and the pain traveled to my abs.

Friday was a much needed day off.  I picked the perfect day because I worked on Friday and got stuck in a surprise trial in the afternoon.

Saturday I was back at it with a Spinning class at 645 and then I came back for Ashtanga Vinyasa at 1215.  Loved the yoga class, but there were two disruptive yogis who were obnoxious.  And then when one of them left, she wasn't quiet or courteous either while the rest of us were trying to meditate.

This week marked the second week of the 90 Day Challenge.  My weight is a little up since the initial weigh in, but I am obviously working hard and am looking noticeably smaller.  I'll take it.  I'm going to talk to Sarah Monday about taking an amino acid supplement.

So, my body should enjoy a relatively restful week next week.  Have a great week!

30 Days of Yoga - Days 22 to 30

The end of the yoga challenge ended well.  I met my goal of hitting 50 percent.

Saturday = Ashtanga Vinyasa with Rickita
Sunday = Vinyasa Flow with Martina
Monday = Slow Burn Yoga with Rickita
Wednesday = Hatha Yoga with Claudia
Saturday= Ashtanga Vinyasa with Rickita

I really enjoyed this challenge.  I think I'll continue taking a few classes per week to supplement everything else I've been doing.  I feel like my practice has improved  a great deal in the last 30 days.  It really helps my muscles, particularly my hamstrings with the deep stretching.  I absolutely LOVE pigeon pose.  It's my favorite.

Training 2014 - Week 8

Training this week took place on Monday and Wednesday mornings.

Monday was upper body, as usual.  One of the things we did was bench pressing, which is a favorite of mine.  For all the working out I've been doing, I feel really strong.  I feel like I did really well in all the things Sarah has me do.  I even did really awesome on the Russian twist, which Sarah added last minute because I didn't see it on my workout sheet.  Sneaky!

My most hated upper body exercise is the Cable Cross.  I thought I did the best I've ever done on it today.  I did shoulder presses on the Viper.  Those went relatively well.  

Even though we didn't do any cardio, we did do the ball toss on the BOSU.  I was pretty wobbly on the BOSU, more than usual.  It still wasn't too bad.  

I wasn't too exhausted when I finished or I don't think I broke a sweat.  However, my arms are sore as I type this.

Wednesday was leg day.  We did squat thruster, walking lunges w/ weights, kettle bell dead lifts, and stability ball curls.  Cardio today was step ups with 6 steps.  It was another great workout.  I managed very well considering I think I pulled a muscle in my back yesterday loading my work equipment into the car.

Work is going to be busy for me next week, so my training will be in the evenings next week.