Saturday, March 15, 2014

A Week of Rest (Kinda)

Daylight Savings Time totally screwed my life up.  Every morning I hit the snooze at least 3 times.  Zero energy, but I still have things to do and places to be.

This week I worked Monday and Tuesday.  I went home to visit my mom on Thursday afternoon to Friday afternoon.  Friday morning I had my taxes done.  As a self-employed person who has 1099s, I knew I was going to have to pay in to the IRS but I was blown away by the actual amount.  YIKES!  Oh well, as my tax preparer said, "It's going towards your Social Security and Medicare."  

Sunday, I went to the 9 a.m. spinning class.  Todd wasn't there, so it was a sub.  I liked him enough.  I was going to also take Martina's Vinyasa Flow class, but I was tired so I came home after I grabbed some breakfast.

Monday I was supposed to workout with Sarah, but I canceled.   I've posted all about that .

Tuesday I had Pilates.  It was the 90 Day Challenge Try It Tuesday - Pilates, so Cassie was busy doing that.  We had Heather sub teach our class.  She is new to Lifetime, but not new to Novi.  She grew up on Novi and recently moved back.  Great winter to move back, Heather!   I really enjoyed having Heather teach us.  My classmates and I encouraged her to sub for Cassie when she gets married in May.  She taught us some variations and new things.  It was absolutely great!

Wednesday was my lone training session with Sarah.

I took Thursday, Friday, and Saturday off from exercise as well as eating well.  Oh well, after the crappy week I've had I feel I deserve it.

So, I worked out three days this past week.  That's really not bad once I think about it.  Some people don't even exercise that much.  

Have a good week!

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