Sunday, March 2, 2014

Training 2014 - Week 8

Training this week took place on Monday and Wednesday mornings.

Monday was upper body, as usual.  One of the things we did was bench pressing, which is a favorite of mine.  For all the working out I've been doing, I feel really strong.  I feel like I did really well in all the things Sarah has me do.  I even did really awesome on the Russian twist, which Sarah added last minute because I didn't see it on my workout sheet.  Sneaky!

My most hated upper body exercise is the Cable Cross.  I thought I did the best I've ever done on it today.  I did shoulder presses on the Viper.  Those went relatively well.  

Even though we didn't do any cardio, we did do the ball toss on the BOSU.  I was pretty wobbly on the BOSU, more than usual.  It still wasn't too bad.  

I wasn't too exhausted when I finished or I don't think I broke a sweat.  However, my arms are sore as I type this.

Wednesday was leg day.  We did squat thruster, walking lunges w/ weights, kettle bell dead lifts, and stability ball curls.  Cardio today was step ups with 6 steps.  It was another great workout.  I managed very well considering I think I pulled a muscle in my back yesterday loading my work equipment into the car.

Work is going to be busy for me next week, so my training will be in the evenings next week.

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