Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Today is my trainer Sarah's 26th birthday.  Since I've been working out with her in May, she's become more than my trainer, she's my friend.

I never imagined where I would be a year ago.  I've really made some progress and while Sarah is only two hours of my routine every week, I am always texting her with questions and forwarding funny memes.   I know she would say that most of my progress is just from me working hard and doing the right things, but I have to give her some credit, too.  I couldn't have made the strides I have without her.

She's not only dedicated to her own workouts and competing, but she's dedicated to her clients.  I'm glad Greg picked her to be my trainer. I'd give him a high five if I was into that nonsense.

Thanks for all you've done for me, Sarah and  Happy Birthday!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Aw thank you Veronica! My clients mean the world to me and I can't tell you how proud I am of you for all your effort! I love how we've grown in our friendship as well as our progress together. Let's continue to kick some ass this year!
