Saturday, March 22, 2014

The Haters Among Me

This is something that I've noticed since I've started working out and making progress.  And it seems the more progress I make, the more haters there are.  What's even more bizarre is how close those haters are to me.

I'm used to people who haven't seen me in a while commenting positively on the changes in me and my body, but then there are those with the backhanded comments.  And then there are those that are just constantly putting a negative spin on everything.  Sorry, sweetheart, you had weight loss surgery, skin removal surgery, and you STILL look like shit.  Jealous of me because I'm doing what you didn't have the willpower to do?   I applauded you in my previous thread about weight loss surgery, but you just have nothing positive to say about anybody.

Now it may seem like I'm playing down to her level, but my saying she looks like shit is a) true and b) way outnumbered by the negative and sarcastic comments she's thrown at me.  

And that's not the only hater I have.  I won't dwell on them individually but I know the shade you're throwing my way.  Proving the haters wrong is part of my motivation to keep on going.

1 comment:

  1. Damn right Veronica! You tell em off and show them your hard work! Not only have you lost weight, you've gotten stronger and educated yourself on healthy lifestyle!
