Sunday, March 2, 2014

Slow Work Week = Busy Workout Week

This past week was another slow work week for me.  Work is picking up and I am working four days this coming week.  That's just the nature of the beast in my business.  Feast or famine.

I made great use of my time home.  I did some transcript work and I worked out like a lunatic.  We're talking Biggest Loser Rachel crazy (well, not that crazy).

Sunday I took Martina's Vinyasa Flow class.  Boy, was that class packed.  I swear everyone at Lifetime was in that class.

Monday was a major workout day.  I worked out with Sarah and I took two group classes.  I took Spinning and then Slow Burn Yoga.  Wow, I was beat.  I know Sarah will kill me for doing that much in one day and I may have overdone it, but it's not like I work out like that every day.

Tuesday I took a Spinning Class and my regular Tuesday night Pilates class.

Wednesday I worked out legs with Sarah and that's all I was going to do.  Then I noticed that my right hamstring was tight, so I quickly got ready and took Claudia's Hatha Yoga class in the evening.  I really have to say that I am loving that class and Claudia as an instructor.

Thursday I took a Spinning class and then I came back in the evening for an awesome massage in the LifeSpa.   I really needed that massage because I strained a muscle in my back loading some things in my car on Tuesday and the pain traveled to my abs.

Friday was a much needed day off.  I picked the perfect day because I worked on Friday and got stuck in a surprise trial in the afternoon.

Saturday I was back at it with a Spinning class at 645 and then I came back for Ashtanga Vinyasa at 1215.  Loved the yoga class, but there were two disruptive yogis who were obnoxious.  And then when one of them left, she wasn't quiet or courteous either while the rest of us were trying to meditate.

This week marked the second week of the 90 Day Challenge.  My weight is a little up since the initial weigh in, but I am obviously working hard and am looking noticeably smaller.  I'll take it.  I'm going to talk to Sarah Monday about taking an amino acid supplement.

So, my body should enjoy a relatively restful week next week.  Have a great week!

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