Saturday, March 29, 2014

This Week In Workouts

It's been an exciting week of workouts.  I think I'm over this adrenal fatigue thing and I am conscious about what I am doing and listening to my body.  The scale has started to go back down, which is great!

I worked three days this week.  Next week I am working all five days.  Holy crap that is a lot for me.  But I enjoy making money and being able to pay for all of my health-related stuff.

Sunday and Wednesday were training days and the detailed thread about those workouts is here.

Monday I was super excited to get out of work earlier because I went to Lifetime and took Tammy's Vinyasa Flow class.  It was a great class and I got a great workout.  I haven't taken one of Tammy's classes in a while and I love her classes.

Tuesday I did two classes.  I started using my very first Groupon that I purchased in December for two weeks of unlimited boxing classes at Title Boxing Club.  You can ready all about my first class here.    Then in the evening I went to my Pilates class.  You can read about that class here.   I was very careful to notice how I was feeling all day.  I really didn't want to overdo it and backslide back into adrenal fatigue.

I went to my second boxing class on Thursday evening.  I had a different instructor this time.  His name is Greg and we have some mutual friends in common, The Parutas.  I really enjoyed his class and actually liked it better than the first class I went to.  I was a little iffy about whether I wanted to continue after my Groupon expired, but now I definitely want to continue.  My arms were punching like crazy.  My bat wings were flapping.  It was both funny and gross.

Friday was a much deserved day off.

Saturday, I took another boxing class at Title.  The teacher was Mark.  It was another great class.  I think I am getting better at the fundamentals of boxing, at least in my opinion.  Who knows, I might look like a crazy person hitting the bag.

Have a great week and as always I leave you with a motivational meme.

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