Sunday, March 9, 2014

What I Did - March 2014, Week 2

I'm going to start a new weekly thread about the other workouts I do during a particular week.   The label will be "in other workout news".

This week I took two rest days:  Sunday and Friday.

I worked four days this week, which is more than I've worked in the last two weeks.  So, I had to get used to working and working out again.

On Monday and Wednesday, I worked out with Sarah and that related post is here.  On Tuesday, I had Pilates.  We did some tower work, which I absolutely love and wish we did more of.  I'll have to bug Cassie about that.  Thursday I took David's 5:45 Spinning class.  His class is super busy and there was a minor confrontation between two guys on the bike next to me.  YIKES!!  Saturday, I slept through the 6:45 Spinning class and only made it to the 12:15 Ashtanga Vinyasa class.  Rickita was in Chicago for a yoga training weekend, so she had Keri sub for her.  Not sure if Keri knew it was a 75 minute class because she made it a 60 minute class.  That's okay though.  I got a good workout anyway.

I have a Groupon for boxing classes at a local gym that expires in about a month, so I am probably going to start that up sometime this week or next weekend.

I'll leave you with a Beyonce gif on motivation.  Have a great workout week!

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