Saturday, March 22, 2014

Workout Roundup

This was a busy work week for me....four days.  I find that when I work I have to sort of force myself to work.  My work is very mentally draining.  I can't wait until the new yoga studio is done, hopefully there will be more evening yoga classes.

Sunday and Wednesday were personal training days with Sarah.    The post about those workouts are here.

Monday and Friday were my days off.

Tuesday I had Pilates.  Next week, my classmates Maureen and Linda will be gone, so I will have a private class with Cassie!  I asked her if we could use the springboard and she said we could.  I think she's going to beat the crap out of me.

Thursday I took John's 430 Vinyasa class.  I usually double up and also take David's spinning class after, but I just did the Vinyasa.  I'm really trying not to overdo it.  I think I've really paid the price for doing so much the last few weeks.  I need to just chill out.

Saturday I did do two classes.  I took Linda's 645 Spinning class and my favorite yoga class Ashtanga Vinyasa with Rickita.

Wednesday after my training session with Sarah, I met up with Leesa for a nutrition session.  Clearly if my body is not in full blown adrenal fatigue it is somewhat.  She advised me to cut the spinning classes down to once a week which I've decided I will make the Saturday 645 am class.  She wants me to continue with the Pilates and yoga.  She actually wants me to combine the dry sauna on my yoga days.   She was quite thrilled with my diet for the most part.  She remembers what a mess my diet was when I started this and she seemed pretty impressed with my changes.

I have to say I felt even better about myself after that session with Leesa.  I was glad to hear that I'm doing something right and hopefully this plateau will end soon.

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