Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Training 2014 - Week 12

Training this week was on Sunday and Wednesday.

Sunday was a total body workout.  We used some new machines.  We used the Super Squat machine which I totally loved.  In general I love using the squat machines.  We used a new row machine and some other machine I don't know the name of, but it was for my upper body.  We did lunges again for what seemed an eternity.

Also on Sunday I renewed my contract with Sarah for an indefinite period of time.  Usually I just sign up in three month increments, but I've switched to just being on term which means I'll just keep on going until whenever.  I'm really glad I did this because it helps with my determination and motivation.  I'll keep doing this until I get to my goal and then maintain.

Wednesday was another totally body workout.   We did more squats on the squat machine.  Unfortunately, the Super Squat machine was being used so we used the regular squat machine.  That's fine since I like squats.  (Lunges, not as much).  We then moved on and did some donkey kicks (not donkey punches LOL) and then some straight legs kicks.  We also did some dead lifts which I also like doing.  We did other things and ended with planks.  I liked the entire workout.  Any workout without lunges is a favorite for me.

And if you're wondering why I don't mention every exercise we do, there are two reasons.  One, I can't remember the name of every single exercise....I just do what I'm told.  Second, I pay good money for these workouts and I'm not going to give out my exact entire workout on here for free.  Get your own trainer!  LOL

Have a great week everyone!

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