Friday, January 31, 2014

The Week in Review (January 26- February 1)

Since I haven't been posting as much lately, I decided to do a Week In Review post.

Sunday and Wednesday were training days and I have posted about my training separately here.

Monday I went spinning for the first time in forever (it seemed).  I felt like I wasn't going to make it the entire class, but I stuck it out.

Tuesday was Pilates day.  I'm not sure why, but this week's class really kicked my butt.  I always give it 110%, but I walked out of class knowing my abs would be sore.  (THEY WERE!)

Thursday I got out of work early and checked out the Group Fitness app on my phone and decided to double up on some classes.  I did the 430 Vinyasa Flow class and the 545 Spinning.  John taught the yoga class.  I had never taken a class with him before and I enjoyed it.  I took it in preparation for the 30 Days of Yoga that starts February 1.  The Spinning class was taught by David.  He's my favorite spinning instructor and his class is ALWAYS packed!!  Thursday was no exception.  Every bike was taken.  Luckily, I had set up my bike before yoga.

Friday I had planned to double up on yoga and spinning again, but I decided on just doing yoga.  There was an hour and 15 minutes between the two classes, so I decided to just grab some lunch instead.

I have Thursday and Friday off fro work next week and I plan on doing yoga on those days and some yoga at home on youtube.

Training 2014 - Week 4

Week 4 already!  Despite the fact that January seems to be the most torturous month with all of the snow and polar vortexes, workout wise it is flying.

Sunday was arm day.  It was tough.  Sarah had me do shoulder presses with 35 pounds!  Yikes, that's heavy, but I have to keep thinking about how awesome they will help my arms look.   I had to squat down and use momentum to get the second and third sets up, but I thought I did pretty good.  We super-setted the shoulder press with some seated rows (95 pounds).

Wednesday was leg day.  Another toughy.  My cardio was doing step-ups.  This was our first time using 7 steps!  I did pretty good.  I had to hold on to climb up, but I wasn't winded or anything, just getting used to the added step.  I remember when we started, I think we used just three steps and it was a killer on my right knee.  I like seeing the progress I am making.  I could probably step up on 3 steps all day now.

Even though the workouts were challenging and would kill a normal person, I wasn't sore.  And I can't even thank my L-Glutamine for that because I've been slacking in taking it this month.  Yeah, I know I should be taking it and I plan on getting back to being more diligent about it.  It really is a huge help for my digestion and my tummy, too.  So, I'm going back on the L-Glutamine today.

Training Week 5 will take place on Sunday and Thursday.  Hope it's a great week!

Monday, January 27, 2014

I'm Still Here!!

It feels like forever since I posted, right?  I'm still here.  I'm still plugging along.  My birthday totally derailed my eating last week.  It's okay.  What's important is that I return to proper eating.  I don't think I went too crazy.  I'm still not drinking pop, I'm still fast food free.

So here is a little update on me.  The Fitbit challenge started last Monday and I have achieved the 10,000 minimum steps so far.  Go me!  I almost lost on Friday because I had a power outage and so did LTF-Novi.  But I did get my steps!  It was tough and I was up until 1030 pm getting them, but I got them.  

On Saturday, I went on a fundraising trip to Greektown Casino with my friends Jackie and Thad.  We got several thousand steps walking around the casino.  We were the only people we saw that took the HUGE staircase up to the second flood.    We did that TWICE.   We even took the staircase down.  We actually beat Tom and Bob (their friends) who took the escalator!  

For dinner on Saturday, I swear I ate my weight in Greek food.  And then we went across the street to Astoria where I bought two desserts and ate them that night.  

I've taken a break from the Couch to 5k program because I suffered a severe burn on my low back and it is painful.  It hurts when I run and it just hurts in general.  I hope that once the pain goes away, I am able to run.  
Today, I took off from work because the roads were treacherous.  I am so sick of winter.  I am sick of driving for hours to get to work and back.  I decided to go in for a spinning class.  It was a good class but tough.  I haven't taken a spinning class in weeks!!!  

I had a training session with Sarah on Sunday, but I will post more about that in my weekly training post.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Yesterday was my 41st birthday.  Nothing exciting.  I worked.  I went out for lunch.  I went to Pilates.  I watched the Biggest Loser.

I'm excited to see what all I accomplish this year.  I plan on having Sarah take a monthly picture of my progress.   I think I'll  have her take a picture this Sunday.

Training 2014 - Week 3

This week I am training Monday morning and Wednesday afternoon.

Monday was arm day.  This is technically a "rest week" for me, which means Sarah is going to take it a little easy on me.  Our last rest week was around Thanksgiving.  For being a rest day, it was still pretty challenging and I am fine with that.  I really don't want my rest weeks to be too much rest.  My rest days would kill the average person

Wednesday was leg day.  I let Sarah have the new intern shadow our session.  I think his name was Mike.  He seemed nice.  I think the program at Central is pretty interesting.  I think the only exercise related career that I knew about when I was younger was a gym teacher or a physical therapist.

Leg day, like arm day, wasn't a wimpy rest day.  I'm not complaining.   Since I am currently participating in the Fitbit challenge, Sarah is trying to work in some steps in my workout.  I also come in early to walk on the treadmill.

Now, I'm wondering just how brutal my regular workouts are going to be now.  Hmmmm.....

Monday, January 20, 2014

30 Days of Yoga

In addition to everything else I am doing at LTF-Novi, I signed up for the 30 Days of Yoga.  It is free to join.  All it is really is committing to doing yoga for 30 days beginning on February 1.   You don't necessarily have to take a class at Lifetime, you just have to commit to do something yoga-ish for 30 days.  I have looked on youtube a little bit for some yoga videos to do on days when I can't fit in a class at LTF and I may finally end up taking a class or two at Divine Yoga.

I'll keep you all posted.

Now, I leave you with a little something from Yoga Jones from Orange is the New Black.

My Health Score - Then and Now

Today was my latest Health Score at Lifetime Fitness.  The above picture shows my health score printout from early June 2013 (Score: 68) and today, January 20, 2014 (Score: 84).  Wow, what a difference!  To say that me, Julie, and Sarah are happy with the results is an understatement.  It feels good to see on paper the changes outside and inside that have occurred since May 2013.

Here are some of the changes:

                                      June 2013     November 2013    January 2014

  1. Weight:                     270.7              234                      226.0
  2. Blood Pressure:       159/98           124/81                   123/79
  3. Total Cholesterol:      190                173                        170
  4. Triglycerides:             110                 92                          87
  5. Glucose:                    104               107                          95
  6. Resting Heart Rate:      68                60                           54
  7. Body Fat %:               50.7              44.8                        43.4
  8. Aerobic Capacity:       28.8              32.8                        33.7
  9. Lean Body Mass:     151.82           150.56                    149.48
  10. Body Fat Mass:       118.88              83.44                      76.52

My next Health Score is scheduled for April 13th.  I can't wait to see how much more has changed.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Week Preview

I took another rest day today because I have my latest health score tomorrow morning with Julie.  I had originally planned on going to the gym and running or possibly taking another yoga class.  Luckily, Sarah texted me early to remind me.

This is a long holiday weekend for me because Monday is MLK Jr's birthday.  Tuesday is my birthday.  I feel like I have been bad on my diet this weekend.  Not pre-May bad, but I've had some gluten and some wine.

I met my friend Brittany for dinner in Dearborn.  We ate at La Pita and had some awesome Middle Eastern food.  The food is not unhealthy, but their bread is so soft and yummy, it's like eating a cloud!  You can't resist and you can't just have one.  I had about three pita breads.  I had a cup of crushed lentil soup, a chicken kabob, some fries, and an insane amount of garlic.  Enough to keep vampires away for a few days at least.

We then went to the adjoining cigar lounge and had a few more drinks.  I had two glasses of Riesling and several glasses of water all night.  It was nice to go out and do something different, but it sure was freezing out!  YIKES!!!!

This morning I went to Trader Joe's and stocked up on some of their soups.  I bought some panccetta and mushrooms to add to my soups.  Also, on my shopping list was a block of mild cheddar to grate myself and some Udi bread to make gluten free grilled cheese sandwiches.  I made one soup from scratch.  It was a recipe that Sarah sent me on Facebook.  It only has two ingredients.  Here it is.

I'm super excited because tomorrow starts the new Fitbit challenge!!  I am determined to get the minimum of 10,000 steps.  I'm training with Sarah on Monday and Wednesday, I have Pilates on Tuesday.  I'm going to get a day or two of running and Spinning in to reach my step goal.

Have a great week everyone!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Rest Days

I decided to take Thursday and Friday of this week as rest days, as well as Monday.  Yeah, that's a lot of rest days in a week for me, but Monday I was super sore and I've been super tired, too.

Thursday afternoon, we got a snow storm and it took me over two hours to drive home.  By the time I ate, showered, and got into my pajamas, it was nearly bedtime.  (I go to be at 9 pm).   This isn't an actual picture of my commute, but the sentiment is the same.

And Friday, well, I usually take Friday as a rest day if I work.  Plus, it doesn't matter how much sleep I get, I wake up tired.  I'm taking my vitamins, I'm getting my 7 to 8 hours of sleep, I'm not pregnant.  I think it's the weather and the depressing winter we're having.

On the days I work, sometimes I just want to come home and ....

Sometimes, you just have to relax and let your body have some time to recoup.  Once Saturday comes, it's back at it.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Training 2014 - Week 2

So, this is my second post where I condense my training into one weekly post.

I trained with Sarah on Sunday and Wednesday again.  Sunday was leg day and it was super tough.  I'm writing the Sunday portion of this post on Tuesday morning and my booty still hurts!  But it's a good hurt.  My workout included thrusters (with 30 pounds), deadlifts, TRX reverse lunges, and much, much more!

Monday morning when I work up an stretched, my everything hurt.  My glutes haven't been that sore since my very first workout with Sarah.  I'm not mad because that just means I'm closer to achieving those Kim K curves.   Exhibit A, Kim K

Wednesday was arm day.  It was every bit as tough as Sunday. I was still a smidge sore from Sunday, but it was all good.  We'll see how I feel on Thursday morning.  I wouldn't be surprised if I'm at least a little sore.  I have been working pretty hard.

I'm starting to see some positive things in my reflection.  I went to Target last week and bought my first pair of pants from there....REGULAR clothes!!!  My pant size in the plus-sized store was a 14, but in the Target pants I am an 18.  I'm not too disturbed by the "jump" in sizes because I can fit into pants at a regular store!  Very exciting!!!!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Tempted By The Colonel

I had a major temptation today.  Part of my commute today there was a stretch that was all fast food restaurants.  KFC, McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, Taco Bell.  I'm not joking.  They were in that order. 

I would say 95% of the time I am good with my eating.  I am human and I do occasionally cheat, although I hate the word "cheat".  I prefer to say I allow myself some leeway.  And I don't go too crazy.  I don't eat an entire cake or anything, I just have a piece of cake for a special occasion.   My mindset is that I've changed but the world hasn't.  There will always be temptations and a little taste here and there is okay as long as I don't go totally berserk.  The key is to not obsess, and just keep active, and get back on track.

As my favorite movie/literary heroine Scarlet O'Hara said, "Tomorrow is another day."

So, getting back to my commute home, I became overwhelmed with a desire to pull into KFC.  I don't know why since KFC wasn't my favorite fast food restaurant.  It just looked and sounded AMAZING to me at the time.  I needed to get into the next lane so that  I could pull into KFC.  I even looked in my rearview mirror to see if I could switch lanes.  I could have done it, but I didn't.  I don't know why I didn't or what kept me from doing it.  Maybe it was my subconscious?

I remember thinking about what I would have ordered...a chicken sandwich.  I could see the sandwich.  A nice breaded chicken breast inside a sandwich bun with lettuce, tomato, and mayo.   In my mind it was the sexiest chicken sandwich ever!!  I could visualize the feeling of biting into it and how it would taste.  But I knew the guilt I would have felt after I ate it.  I knew I wouldn't be able to lie to Sarah.

I hate the saying "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels."  That's a bunch of crap.  Of course there are things that taste better than skinny feels.  You just can't let the thing that tastes good run your life.  Just because you get to your goal doesn't mean that you're done.  You'll always be working to maintain and your goals might change.  Maybe you want to run faster, maybe you want to lift heavier.  You're always going to be working towards something.

So, while in this post I talked about the occasional dietary slip up and yet not caving in to the temptation for a fast food chicken sandwich, I guess you just have to choose your battles.   I knew that one chicken sandwich would have destroyed my 7 month freedom from fast food and could have started a huge backslide that I would have come to regret.

Monday, January 13, 2014

My Monday In A Nutshell

I plan on blogging about my training sessions weekly, so my more in depth post will be published Wednesday.  Here is a preview about what I have to say about Sunday's personal training session.  It's all good though.  I love being sore.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Super Saturday!!

Some people rest on the weekends.  I use it as an opportunity to kick it into high gear.  This Saturday was no different.

It started with the 645 a.m. Spinning/Cycle Studio class at Lifetime.  I think they are calling it Cycle Edge or something.  I'm not positive about the name.  I am positive that construction has started on the new Cycling studio that they are putting in at LTF-Novi.

Class was great and I worked up quite a sweat.  Class was PACKED!  It was crazy how busy the class was for being so early on a Saturday.  It was Open House Weekend, but this was just crazy.  I'm sure the much needed thaw that finally blew into Michigan helped.

I then went to the 1215 Ashtanga Yoga class taught by Rickita.  It was my third straight week attending this class.  I've said it before and I'll say it again, it is my favorite yoga class.  This class, too, was packed.   I had to leave a few minutes early because I had a massage appointment at 130.

My massage was amazing, as usual.  The neck problem I had the previous time is gone, but my complaints coming into this massage was low back pain mainly on the right side and right upper thigh pain.  My next massage is scheduled for the second Saturday of February.

I have to say massage is quite helpful.  Some might see it as an extravagance, but it truly does help me prevent injury and help with any aches, pains, and stiffness I have.  I strongly recommend it.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Couch To 5k - Week 6 Day 1

I had today off from work.  Yay!  I went to Lifetime Fitness at around 8 a.m. to do my next day of the Couch to 5k program.  I took yesterday off from the gym.  I realized I had not taken a day off from the gym since December 26th!  Holy cow!  I totally didn't mean to that and I wouldn't suggest it.  The body does need to rest!

The weather in Michigan is starting to warm up and so is the gym.  There were plenty of cars in the parking lot when I got there.  I think the weather has sort of derailed or delayed some New Years resolutions because the gym has been pretty quiet when I've been there.

I chatted with Sarah in the locker room and she passed her Health Score Certification!!!  Go Sarah!

I made it upstairs and prepared for my run.  You can see from the picture above what I had to do today.  I was a little nervous about the 3 minute walking.  In the past that hasn't been a lot of time for me to "rest" before starting to run again.

The first five minutes was a breeze.  I'm really getting used to running at least five minutes.  I walked for three minutes, then I started the 8 minute run.  It went well and I ran the whole thing.  It did seem to last a while and just as I was checking my phone to make sure the app was still working, it told me to start walking.  Ah!
Then it was time to run the second five minutes.  I knew I could do it.  It was only five minutes.  I did change the speed.  I ran the other two intervals at 5 mph, but I did the first four minutes of this interval at 4.8 mph.  I did the final minute back up at 5 mph.

I have to say I hate running while I'm doing it, but I love it when I am done and have accomplished something.  :)

Thursday, January 9, 2014

REGISTERED!!!! 90 Day Challenge - Spring 2014

After my training session yesterday, I registered for the new 90 Day Challenge that starts in February.   I'm pretty excited because I need a new challenge to help me get to my next goal.

I signed up for a couple of Try It Tuesdays that I haven't done before.  I signed up for four to be exact.  There are two reasons why I didn't sign up for more.  One, I already do Pilates on Tuesday evenings and I love my class (Linda and Maureen, and trainer Cassie).  Two, I've done most of them already and wanted to leave the space open for new people who haven't done them yet.

The four things I signed up for were: TEAM Boot Camp (April 8), Fight Shape Challenge (April 22), TCX/Total Conditioning (April 29), and the 90 Day 5k (May 6).   My goal for the 5k is to run the entire thing!!

I can't wait to see how successful I'll be this time around.  I want to lose more than I did during the Fall 2013 Challenge (15 pounds).

Training 2014 - Week 1

I've decided to do a weekly post about my training, how it felt, any new accomplishments, et cetera.

Technically, I've had three sessions this year since 2014 started mid-week, but this is my first full calendar week of training.

Sunday was leg day and I've already blogged about that.  Wednesday was arm day.   The cardio part of my workout was pushing the Prowler Sleigh for a minute.  I did that three times.  Sarah put 145 pounds on it and I googled Prowler weight and an average Prowler weighs 75 pounds.  So, I was pushing around practically my entire body weight (220 versus 223.8)

For those of you who don't know what I am talking about, here is a picture (not of me, but of what I was doing):

That combined with the other weights I lifted left me very tired.  Sarah really challenges me and I love it!  I'm not really sore and I think I can the L-Glutamine has something to do with that.  

I have to say 2014 is turning out to be a good year.  I've done a 5k, I've reached my 50 pound goal, I've run for 20 minutes straight, my training is awesome.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Officially, on my scale at home I have lost 50 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!   I've been waiting for this achievement for months!!!  I've never lost this much weight....EVER!!!

And now I think I am ready to admit something that some of my other friends have never done...starting weight.  The number.  It's just a number.  And it's a number I'll never be again.


Yep, that's what I weighed on May 15, 2013 when I started this journey.  And if you're decent at math, you'll figure out that I am currently 224.  (Actually 223.8).  It's quite liberating to let the cat out of the bag.  I know a lot of people who have lost large amounts of weight (surgery and non-surgery) and they have never admitted their starting weight.  They play the number game just the way closeted gay people play the pronoun game.  "I've lost 50 pounds, I have 50 more to go."  I find that super annoying.  Just say the number already.  Quit beating around the bush.

So there, it's out there.  As much as I hate the buzz phrase "Just own it,"  I own that I used to weigh 274 pounds.  

And since I'm throwing numbers around, my next goal is to get to 195 pounds, which was my weight in college.  So, I have 28.8 pounds to go until I get there.  That is not my goal weight, but rather my next plan of attack.  That is also the goal I've set for myself for the next 90 Day Challenge.

Thanks for all the congrats some of you have given me on Facebook.  I couldn't do it without you.  

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Fitbit Challenge - Winter 2014

I'm so excited!  Sarah just emailed me this announcement for the newest Fitbit Challenge at Lifetime Fitness - Novi!!!!  I love a good Fitbit challenge!  I love it even more now that I am just 30 pounds away from being at my college weight!

I won the Summer 2013 Fitbit Challenge, but I wasn't as diligent during the Fall 2013 challenge.  I am definitely going to get 10,000 steps a day so that I can earn two free TEAM classes.  Of course, I am going to push for the grand prize, but I definitely want to at least get the minimum steps.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Couch to 5K Week 5 Day 3

I did it!  I DID IT!!  I flipping did it!!!!  Twenty minutes!  Two Zero!!

I called off from work because of the snow and the nearest freeway to my home being an accident magnet this morning.  I had to shovel myself out of my parking space, and unbury my car, and let it warm up for a half an hour, but I got to the gym and ran it out!

I got a lot of help on my run from my playlist.  A lot of great music came on my shuffle workout mix.  I guess you can say I got a little help from Beyonce and Jay Z (and Monica and Katy Perry, too.)

The temptation to stop running was strong from the get go.  I mean I did some serious shoveling before I got there.  No one would blame me for stopping.  That snow was heavy and was a workout by itself.  But I ran on.  Just keep running.  Just keep running.  

Before I knew it, the app voice chimed in "You are half way done."  Yes!  Ten minutes down, ten to go.  I can do this.  My ears were sweating so bad, I had to take my headphones off around minute 16 and run without music.  I put them back on about a minute and a half before the end so that I could hear the app tell me I was done.  I also put a towel over the screen again, but I did keep peeking.  I took it off for good around minute 15.  The last two minutes seemed easy.  I think my stride got stronger with a minute and a half left.  I think I might have been smiling during the last 30 seconds!  

And finally it was over!!  

I have to say that my body wasn't sore.  It was definitely mind over matter.  You just have to think that you can and you'll do it!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Let It Snow!

This was the view from the path between my apartment complex and Lifetime Fitness.   The snow storm started pretty slowly, but as I write this is, it is picking up steam.  So much steam that I may have to call off work tomorrow if it's not cancelled.

I had a training session with Sarah today, our second of 2014.  My first session of 2014 was on January 2nd and was arm day.  Today was leg day.  My right knee was giving me some issues (and yesterday, as well) but I think that's because of all of the precipitation coming.  It only truly bothered me going up and down steps.

Today's workout was pretty tough.  My cardio for today was running 0.25 miles twice.  I did it the first time at 5.7 mph (I started at 6.0 mph, but decreased the speed within the first 30 seconds).  I finished the run in 2:37.  The second time I ran at 5.5 mph and finished in 2:43.  Since doing the Couch to 5k, running less than 3 minutes should be no problem, but after doing 3 sets of two super-set exercises it's a little more challenging.  I got through it though and there is that satisfaction of get through it.

After the session, Sarah weighed me.  I have lost most of the weight I gained at the Rose Bowl party.  I am only about a half pound heavier than my weight on December 26.  I was a little inflamed (0.383) but my body fat percentage went down to 42.8 percent.  It was 44-point something percent before.  Overall, I am pretty happy with the numbers.  It's a journey with some ups and downs, and it might take me a bit but I'll get there.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Blizzard Eve

We're supposed to get hammered with snow starting tonight (Saturday) and all day tomorrow.  I'm supposed to go back to work on Monday, but we'll see what happens.

As close as I live to the gym I don't know why I went crazy with the workouts today.  I mean, I could walk to the gym if there wasn't such a threat of hypothermia.  Luckily, I just park at the far end of my complex and walk over.

I went to the 645 am spinning class.  There was quite a decent turnout for such an early class on such a frigid morning.   It wasn't filled to capacity, but a solid turnout.   Props to those who made it out there.  It was a great ride.  I'm excited that construction starts on Monday on the new Cycle Studio!

After class, I went straight to Trader Joe's to stock up on some food for the next few days.   You know, just the typical blizzard preparedness.

I showered, rested up a bit, and then went back for the 1215 yoga class with Rickita.  This is the same class I did last week (Ashtanga Vinyasa) and it's my favorite.  Coincidentally, the girl on the mat next to me was just returning to Lifetime after a two year break.  Before class, she asked me about this class and the instructor.  I told her it was my favorite class and instructor, and I also suggested some other yoga classes/instructors at Lifetime that I really enjoyed.

Yoga was fabulous, as always.  I'm looking forward to the Friday evening class that is supposed to start this upcoming week.  What a great way to start your weekend, huh?  And construction also starts on the new Yoga studio, as well.  Exciting things are coming to Lifetime Fitness-Novi in 2014.

Currently, I'm dealing with a weight increase due to the Rose Bowl party I went to.  The food was mainly healthy as the hostess is severely gluten intolerant.  I think I just ate a little too much, but the weight is coming down back to normal.  It's all good.  I'm still moving forward and still motivated to reach my goals.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Couch To 5k Week 5 Day 2

I did it!  I did today's program without any issue!   W5D2 consists of two 8 minute runs separated by a 5 minute walk.

Besides deleting "Stillness Is The Mood" from my playlist, I put a towel over the screen on the treadmill so that I wouldn't obsess over how much longer I had to run.  It really helped!  I will continue to do that.  I will admit that during the running phases, I ALWAYS watch the clock on the treadmill.

First of all, I need to give myself props for going to Lifetime Fitness this morning when it was just a mere -4 degrees out.  Wow.  It's crazy cold here, but I can handle cold better than heat.

The first 8 minutes was fine.  My right knee started a little achy, but it got better.  I'm guessing the frigid weather has something to do with that.  The 5 minute walk was a perfect recovery.  Then it was time to do the second 8 minute run.  My body was doing fine.  I was mentally thinking about the time (UGH!).  I did take the towel off the screen a few times.  I had estimated that by the time the clock got to 27 minutes I should be close to finishing.

I've noticed that I have to turn up the volume on the voice that says "This won't last forever, you can do this," as opposed to the voice that says "OMG, you can walk a little and then jump back into it."  Now, I was not in any pain or having any respiratory issues, it's just that annoying voice that tries to stop me.  And then I thought about you, my readers.  I've received some positive feedback from several readers about this blog and how inspirational it is.  Thanks for the support, everyone.

After the run, I was happy it was over and I felt like I had really accomplished something.  The previous two days of this program I have had to alter the run a little bit and I felt disappointed.  I think the Commitment Day 5k and the words of encouragement that I have received from my friends have kept me going.  My friend Maddie told me on New Years that she was proud of me.  Now, I'm not the best at accepting compliments, but I thanked her and I have thought about her comment several times since that day.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

90 Day Challenge - Spring 2014

Yes, it's that time again!!!  Time to register for Lifetime Fitness' 90 Day Challenge Spring Edition!!!

I was so excited to hear from Sarah that it was time to register for the next 90 Day Challenge.   I love the challenges that Lifetime Fitness does.  I'm definitely going to sign up again for the weight loss challenge.  I officially lost 15 pounds during the Fall 2013 challenge.  I'm excited about what I can accomplish this time around.

Coincidentally, the Spring Challenge ends five days before my one year training anniversary with Sarah.  We've got big things planned and have already set our goals!!!

Yes, Mammogram

My doctor has been throwing the word "mammogram" at me for a year.  I turned 40 last January and I'm at the age where yearly mammograms are now part of my life.  When I went to my doctor's appointment a few weeks ago, she mentioned it again.  Okay, okay.  I'll get one.  I have insurance now.  I guess I need that piece of mind.   It's not like I have a history of breast cancer anyway.

My first mammogram was on December 30.  Since it was my first one ever, they call it my baseline mammogram to give them an idea of what is normal for my boobs to look like and I guess to use it as the pictures to compare my future mammograms to.

I got there at 1030 and left by 11.  It was easy peasy.  Let me describe the process.

I walked in and registered at the front desk.  I sat in the waiting room long enough to text Jackie and let her know I was there.  I was called back by a very sweet lady and unfortunately I don't remember her name. She led me into an exam room with the "mammogram machine".

I sat down and filled out some paperwork.  She told me the procedure in great detail.  They would take four pictures, the pictures would be reviewed that day, the results would be sent to my doctor's office, I would receive a letter within a week with my results.  If I needed to come back for further testing, I would be scheduled at my convenience and then given my results that same day.  It all sounded good and very reassuring.

I had some questions of my own which were answered and then we got to business.  I was given a hospital shirt that obviously opened in the front.  So, I had to undress my upper half (duh) and then we would be ready to go.  The nurse put some stickers on my nips with these silver nubs on them.  Not sure what the silver nubs were for, but I think it looked cute.

The first two pictures they took were each boob from the frontal look, one boob at a time.  Pretty simple, plop your boob on the shelfy thing and then a clear plate came down and smooshed the boob.   It wasn't painful, I was just stuck in place to get a clear picture.

The next two pictures were side pictures of each boob.  While these pictures also did not hurt, it was awkward to get into the correct position.  Lift this shoulder, grab the handle, lower your other shoulder, hold your other boob back, turn towards the machine, RELAX.

And done!  Come back next year!

I am waiting to get my letter, but I am pretty confident that all is well.

If you are due for a mammogram, I would encourage you to get one.  It's not that big of a deal.  I did not have any pain afterwards.  I just went on with my day.  I stopped at Chipotle for lunch as a reward for getting it done.  I went to the gym later that afternoon for a run.  No biggie.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Last Workouts of 2013

I meant to do a post about my last workouts for 2013, but I ran out of time.  So, I guess I will do it now.

Sunday, I trained with Sarah.  It was leg day and it was a tough workout.  My hamstrings were still a little sore from yoga, but nothing major.  This was a last workout for 2013.  It's hard to believe how much progress I've made since mid-May.

Monday, I did the Couch to 5k Week 5 Day 1.  This day consisted of running 5 minutes and walking 3 minutes and repeating 3 times.  I ran into the same stupid problem that I had with Week 4 Day 3, I couldn't finish the last 5 minutes in one full run.  I did better this time and finished just over 3 minutes before I had to walk.

There was one common denominator between the two days.  The same song came on my playlist.  I have it on shuffle and by some cruel coincidence it came on at the same point of this run.  The song is "Stillness is the Mood."  The version on my playlist is the original band that recorded the song, The Dirty Projectors.  I MUCH prefer the version by Solange (Beyonce's sister), but it is unavailable for download.

Here are the two versions and judge for yourself:

The Solange version is better, right?

So, I deleted the song altogether from my playlist.  I just can't continue to have it cause me these problems.  I literally dread when the Dirty Projectors version comes on.

Tuesday was my last workout for the year and it was a Pilates class.  Cassie scheduled two classes in the morning and I decided to take the 8 am class.   It was a great class, but my thighs were sore.  Oh, well, I'll live.

There you go, my last workouts for 2013.  It was a great year and I can't wait to see what I accomplish in 2014!

Commitment Day 5k 2014

I did it !  I lived!

I was nervous about doing the 5k, I'm not going to lie.  I knew I wasn't going to run every single step.  It was going to be cold.  My car said it was 14 degrees.  It was going to snow.  I was worried about it being slippery.  But I did it.  I'm glad I did.

It started yesterday when I drove out to the Commerce club to pick up my t-shirt and my number.  See...

I fell asleep early last night.  I didn't wait for midnight to ring in the new year.  I had to be up early to get to the race location in time to get a parking space.

I arrived at the location just after 7 and stopped in at the Dagwood Deli to grab some breakfast.  I got a breakfast sandwich and ate about half of it.  It was yummy, but I was full after just having half.  I chatted with a woman who was also running the race.  She was very nice.  She was not a member of Lifetime Fitness, she was just interested in getting moving on January 1st.

After breakfast, I went back to my car and just waited for race time.

The race started and I started running.  I'm not sure how far I ran before I started walking, but I did good and I wasn't crazy out of breath.  From then on, I walked and ran.  I honestly couldn't tell you what percentage I ran, but when I did run, I felt like I had a good pace.  I'm pretty sure that I was running faster than my treadmill speed, which I heard is common once you hit the streets.

I finished the race running and my time was 44 minutes.  Not bad.  I guess I'll just improve from that as I get better.  I wasn't super tired or sore, I was just fine.  I grabbed a bottle of water and a banana, and then I drove home.

Was I glad I did it?  Yes.  Will I do another 5k?  Sure.